
Yuval Noah Harari: They Are Lying About AI! The Trump Kamala Election Will Tear The Country Apart!

Yuval Noah Harari is a best-selling author, public intellectual and Professor of History at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.


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  1. Real talk though. The rhetoric around Trump is hard to listen to considering the Biden regimes clear attempts to use everything and anything in the dirty political book to win. Only three months ago Commie-La was widely regarded on both sides as the most useless VP IN HISTORY, on both sides. Now she is some sort of national treasure? Get fkd with that sht, it’s banana republic bs. I HATE TRUMP! But I’m going to vote for him any day and all day before I vote for Kamala.

  2. It’s interesting that he hasn’t once mentioned his involvement with the World economic forum and their plans for the world, that “you will own nothing and be happy by 2030” why didn’t he disclose his involvement with this unelected body that is implementing their global plans.

  3. I remember when thumbs up and thumbs down on YouTube meant something other than simple 'engagement' – I didn't realise it was a specific change in 2014. I KNEW it happened around that time, channels started preaching likes and subscriptions and Patreon and talking about the ever-present, omniscient ALGORITHM, citing a need for 'engagement' as a necessary thing…

  4. Yuval is a very respected Person but, he has his tendency of hide the actual geniocide in Gaza or that Democratic party is trying to stay in power no matter what, they are the ones that is pushing digital voting to have access to change the results.

  5. This pod was crap. Truth be told it fear mongering in many ways and trying to diss trump and digs at elon for free speech. Lost some repsect here for the pod. Sadly hes from wef and has a agenda we cant even question.. algorithm and court. Well Facebook is been guikty for years and recently and old twitter before elon. Programming us at jts finest with this one

  6. Yay, happy the book is available now. I think it's important to have a medievalist's perspective on AI because when things go really wrong, we might in many ways be sent back to a sort of medieval quality of life, and we (presumably) don't want it to stay that way if such a thing were to happen.

  7. Harari is full of bs. Historians should stop extrapolating from the past trying to predict the future.
    Why is his opinion about AI any relevant? Its just pure speculation

  8. 1:33:00 ahora se hacen las víctimas, quieren hacer como que el fraude del 2020 contra Trump, quien ganó realmente fue "un error" y como que ocultar la información de la laptop del pedófilo del hijo de Biden fue "un error" también.

  9. This thing we call alternative media has been one attempt at the grassroots level to create new institutions and exercise First Ammendment expression, but then the establishment always calls them extremists and tries to marginalize them and their audience, and even shuts us down. I hope that everyone reading this recognizes this for what it is and what it's tried to be.

  10. His books are full of historical lies and cheap gaslighting and manipulation for which sadly, many young sheeple fall for, specially since he is so promoted by politicians and media.

    He talks about subjects he doesn’t really know about or even comprehend due to his condition and his hidden interests.

    I remember his talk about being so frustrated he didn’t have a chip inside as a teen so he would know his sexual orientation at 15 instead of having to wait until 21 to know the type of sex he liked, as he said himself, so basically he wants chips in kids brains so the promiscuous can have an active sex life since 15? Damn.

    Also dangerous that he disguises as part of the people when he is so evidently not, but is actually in line to be the next WEF leader next year and is from the clan that wants to turn the world into Gaza.

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