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  1. Ohhh interesting!
    Mom was diagnosed with congestive heart failure about a year after her doctor prescribed dietician put her on insurance funded liquid nutrition replacement, similar to ensure. 😱

  2. I had PVCs, premature ventricular contractions, for many years. Diagnosed in 2005; cardiologist said they’re harmless. They still felt concerning sometimes. Since shortly after eating carnivore in April 2023, I believe I’ve noticed a PVC once. ONCE. It used to be several times a day! 🤩 Watching this while eating my breakfast of bacon, egg, and sirloin steak. 👍

  3. Is vitamin B1 good for you on this diet …my heart has stopped random racing since being on this diet…I think I was eating too much salt and not drinking enough water before…I try to drink at least 2 liters of water a day….

  4. Compare the American diet to the European diet and you'll discover that there's just so much healthier. Fresh meat fresh fruit and vegetables eggs dairy. Stay away from the carbs as much as possible any processed.

  5. Doctors Can Help Us And The Medications We Take And Exercise! But, God Is The Best Healer And Miracle Worker Just Believe In Him And Have Faith In Him! 'Coz Jesus Christ Cured And Healed My Ankylosing Spondylitis! I'm No Longer Stooping So Badly! I'm 80% Cured And Healed By The Lord Jesus Christ! If The Lord Heals You With Illness And Sickness You Don't Need Medications, Operation, And Recuperation! God Can Do The Impossible And Cures And Heals Any Kind Of Illness And Sickness Especially, The Ones That Have No Cure For It Like Aneurysm, Cancers, Diabetes, And So On! Take Care, Be Careful, And Be Safe Everyone! May God Bless All Of Us And Have A Blessed Great Lovely Wonderful Thursday Everybody!!

  6. I doubt you’ll see this Ken. But there are a lot of studies that show high protein diets can lead to a greater chance of kidney stone formation. The research seems to be inconclusive however. Thoughts?

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