
Why can’t we see aliens? #space #cosmology #universe #aliens


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  1. it could be on every habitable planet we discovered so far. think about it. we see sum planets that are millions of lightyears away and how we see them is how the planet looked like millions of years ago. that makes it even scarier. if we find a planet that 100% has unnatural lights and frequencies, they were there millions of years ago. so the civilization on this planet could be sooo sooo far ahead in tech as us…

  2. Yes this life is a test to the ones that are righteous and pious and obeying and respectful and they will entire paradise but some people think that this is just a infinite loop like after trillions of years the universe will be a small ball again and become the Big Bang again and everything that’s has happened will happen again ❤

  3. 6th reason:- Non-Carbon-Based Life: Alien life might not be based on carbon or other familiar biological systems, making them undetectable using methods based on our current understanding of life.

    7th reason:-Aliens might be communicating, but on timescales much longer than human lifespans. A message sent by an alien civilization could take thousands of years to reach us, and our reply would take just as long, leading to communication that’s impractically slow.

    8th reason:-Alien civilizations might exist, but they could be at a stage of development that makes communication impossible — they might be microbial, primitive, or, conversely, have evolved beyond physical bodies or space exploration.

    9th reason:- If life started elsewhere and spread to Earth, there could be similar human-like life forms that evolved on other planets under similar conditions.

    10th reason(might be possible):-A more speculative idea is that "aliens" could be future humans who have developed the technology to travel through time and are visiting or studying their ancestors (us). Due to evolutionary changes over vast periods, they might look different enough to seem alien, but in essence, they are still human.

    11th reason:- they might be in their early stage of life. For example,the
    Distance of Kepler 452-b from its sun is similar to that of Earth and our sun.
    So these planets maybe considered haibitable and may have given birth to aliens(in early stage ).
    These are my assumptions regarding aliens👽 ✌️.

  4. May there are many other civilization which are of the same caliber are us
    But a more far advanced civilization is experimenting other primitive civilization like what small changes bring different result for civilization
    Like our civilization is more of a tech based

  5. Ok so this is my theory

    All of the life of the solar system started in mercury and after millions of years when it started to heat up there the civilization settled to Venue which was then habitable then when Venue started becoming inhabitable the powerful civilization shifted to earth and it could solve mysteries as why the pyramids are built like that and other things

  6. Ummmm…
    We may be just a part of their brain… Like if we carefully observe the structure of the neurons in our brain is too similar to the cosmic web..
    Or yeah it might be a coincidence too …

  7. Another possible theory is the Earth is not our home, it’s a jail. Human was alien but are criminals so we got arrested on Earth. That’s why we get sun burn, hard to consume raw meat unlike other creatures on Earth.
    Also, we are destroying the Earth like global warming as our ancestors’ habit of devil.

  8. What if we are the aliens that wete send here to earth because our home planet was destroyed? That would explain why we still have problems with space travel bc we are stopping ourselves from wiping out the specis all over again.

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