
Why Blackbeard Dies During The Day In One Piece 💀😱 #shorts #anime #onepiece

Why Blackbeard Dies During The Day In One Piece 💀😱

GTA Gameplay Credit: @DopeGameplays


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  1. I prefer the theory he ate the mythical devil fruit cerberus and has three souls from it and his body was altered to act like three bodies instead of one so it explains why he doesn't 😮sleep and can have nore than one fruit power but this is just a thoery an anime theory

  2. Or after brook died rocks found his fruit then ate it and after his death he took over the body of a young boy so he could get close to white beard who would have been aware of his death and couldn’t sleep because it would weaken his control over the body while sleeping and the reason he doesn’t want brooks fruit is because you can only extract it before it’s activated

  3. And we also can't forget that rock's crew was made by power not by friendship, same as Blackbeard. Everyone on rock's crew hated each other, but they were so strong that they didn't care.

  4. I think that they can just eat multiple devil fruits as oda goes on a limb to say 'alegedly' (which usually means something) but everyone is to scared to eat it

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