
Who Were the 10 Most Powerful Goddesses in Greek Mythology?

Hey everyone, welcome to Mythology Explained. In today’s video we’re going to discuss the 10 most Powerful goddesses in Greek mythology. Let us know in the comments if you agree with the selection, and if you don’t, tell us who you would have included instead.

Let’s get into it.

Starting us off is Nyx.

Nyx was the Personification of night and one of the first-generation primordial deities. Like Gaia, she was a prolific producer of children. Coupled with Erebus, the personification of Darkness, she produced Aether, Light, and Hemera, Day. She then went on to independently
Produce a great number of children, all of whom we won’t name, but here’s a few: The Moirai, The Fates, Thanatos, Death, Eris, Strife, and Hypnos, Sleep. In and of itself, the fact that she was a first-generation primordial deity would likely earn her a place on this list. Her powers as a creator outsrip every god in Greek mythology except for Gaia. But the instance that truly showcased her power was a confrontation – or rather lack thereof – she had with Zeus. In the Iliad, there’s a conversation between Hypnos and Hera in which they discuss what happened the last time Hypnos was persuaded to use his sleep-inducing powers against Zeus, who woke up in a rage when his mind ceased to be ensnared. He searched for Hypnos, but relented when the pursuit took him to Nyx, whom Hypnos was hiding behind. Such was Nyx’ power that Zeus was struck with awe and was unwilling to arouse her anger

Up next we have Hestia

The first born child of Cronus and Rhea, and the sister of Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, and Demeter, Hestia was the goddess of the hearth. She makes the list for being deemed the most important of all goddesses. Both Poseidon and Apollo pursued her, but their efforts were in vain; for she rejected their advances, deciding instead to remain a virgin goddess. This decision was conducive to maintaining a peaceful dynamic amongst the gods on Olympus, so Zeus rewarded her with a position of unparalleled primacy. The hearth, what she personified, was made central to each home, and through it, she received the choicest portions of sacrifices made to the gods; and this honour went even further, for she was also a recipient of the sacrifices dedicated at the various temples of all the other gods worshipped throughout Greece.

Watch the video for the rest!


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