
Which Bodybuilding Era Had the Greatest Longevity?

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  1. Great video bro! And such an important one. It's terrible to think how future historians will see the longevity of modern bodybuilders, the sport is just getting worse and worse.

  2. Let's not forget that Bronze Era athletes had also to endure two world wars! I guess some of them died young because of this, otherwise they would have certainly lived longer. The Silver Era athletes lived longer because they enjoyed more abundance, while the Golden Era athletes had even more abundance but also the abuse of steroids. And well said! I hear people all the time talking about Schwarzenegger or Stallone being still alive and in shape, but they forget that they have the best medicine in the world and the unbelievable technology we have today, in order to keep them this way. Not to mention that they could be looking good without also be feeling good. Bruno Sammartino told Vince McMahon "I hope you feel as good as you look" for a reason, according to me..

  3. Everything from mid eighties, 90s, 2000s, 2010s, 2020s have shown what a trainwreck bodybuilding has become. Most of the athletes have kidney damage, heart problems, permanent organ damage, limbs amputated, crippled up and cant walk.etc…
    Old school bodybuilding is the only bodybuilding

  4. Steve reeves would of lived alot longer then 75 yrs old as he didnt die of natural causes. He was killed by the doctors as they gave him a medication pre surgery. Reeves had received a diagnosis of lymphoma two months before surgery and was being treated for the disease when he died of complications as the doctors gave reeves a pre surgery medication that thickened his bl00d and caused a clot

  5. Before I tried steroids, I was determined to never touch them. I spent all my part time income while in high school of healthy foods since my parents did not know about nutrition And supplements from GNC like protein powders, dessicated liver tabs, amino acids. The late 80s did not have the flood of supps and protein but I guess GNC was good start.

  6. I love this topic. Thank you very much for your research on this subject matter. And it does not surprise me about the silver air being the ones with the longest lifespan, sort of like a sweet spot if you will between access to better medicine. It goes to prove that bodybuilding can be a healthy endeavor is applied correctly

  7. Don't you find it kind of interesting that people like Greg doucet and others like him use steroids actively although they call it TRT but it's the same damn thing, but yet they warn everybody against it. It's always the dose determines a poison and his other lifestyle factors that usually correlate with an early demise although there are too many variables to accurately say why. But I think people using minimal dosages for limited periods and using non designer variants is the best way to go

  8. Great video! The topic is very important, I would suggest to compare the longevity of the athletes with the life expectancy of the respective era to have more fair and contextual data.

  9. Silver era bodybuilders look healthy modern natural pro bodybuilders look like concentration camp victims with muscle on them.

    I find it hard to imagine even natural bodybuilders who compete with these ultra lean standards are healthy.

  10. Yah steroids are awesome and then when the ones who think they are all that on it like Sam the clown I am inevitably are gonna have to go off it due to health reason sooner or later then I start laughing when they shrink like cold dick in the shower

  11. Are you comparing this to the life expectancy of the general population?

    A couple of years ago i looked into general life expectancy of Australian's, as the Australian govt brought in the old age pension to those who were 65yo plus, in the early 20th century. I was interested to see how much of the govt spent on the old age pension at different times over the last 100yrs or so.
    First i looked up when Australia's life expectancy was 65yo, i was suprised to see that it reached 65 in the early 1950s and at the time it had the greatest life expectancy amongst the western countries. So you could guess that general life expectancy of bronze and silver era's would have been under 60yrs old.

    Its hard to pull apart the stats, but the current increase in deaths in bbing how much is due to more people involved in bbing? Bronze, silver and even golden era bbing were really fringe underground activities. If the average person went to lift wts in the 1940s or 1970s people would wonder what was wrong with you or narcissist or gay. Today its very common for people to train to keep healthy and strong.
    Im not saying that current competitive bbing is safe, just that there are alot of factors to take into account.

  12. Oh, this is gonna be nice when this study comes out.I wanna read it. I am 62 all natural 280 But just eating high protein and the different values on all my lab. Work is extremely concerning because of hard training. High protein lots of dense muscle on the stresses. It puts on the blood the Liver kidneys endocrine system, C reactive proteins. B p n brain neuriotic peptides The restrupturing of heavy training on the heart, And it's electrical system and a v note, I can go on and on and on but I hope you can answer some questions that I don't already know.That is extremely alarming and not surprising.Why we all die younger when we stress our bodies.

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