
What’s Hidden Under The Pyramids of Egypt?

This is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the World that has survived to this day.
They call it the Great one, which seems quite fitting.
The scale is truly breathtaking.
It’s 146 meters (479 ft) high.
It consists of 2,300,000 stone blocks. Some of them weigh about 50 tons.
The entire structure weighs about 6 million tons. It’s like 16 Empire State Buildings combined.
And all this was done by people who didn’t know the wheel.
For 38 centuries, it held the status of the tallest building on earth.
And it remains the most mysterious building even now.
There are so many mysteries, fantasies, and conjectures surrounding it.
Because it’s very ancient. Even its inscriptions were deciphered almost by pure luck, otherwise, there would be much more secrets and fantasies.
This is the Pyramid of Cheops!
It was built with amazing precision. The perimeter of its base divided by twice its height gives the number pi to the nearest thousandth. Try it yourself on a calculator – it’s impressive. Definitely, this wasn’t a coincidence since the proportion would have been different if the ancient Egyptians had made the pyramid higher or lower by just a meter.
And this was done by people so long ago that no one even heard of the village that would later become Rome.
By the way, we greatly underestimate the pyramid’s age due to our perception of the distant past.
Take the last queen of Egypt, the legendary Cleopatra. She was born in 69 BC, that is, 2090 years ago (or 2091, whatever). We involuntarily perceive her as the same age as the pyramids – she was the queen of Egypt, after all.
But the construction of the Great Pyramid ended around 2540 BC. And it started 20 years earlier. That is almost 2500 years before Cleopatra was born.
Just think about it! For Cleopatra, the pyramid of Cheops was more ancient than Cleopatra herself for you and me! Doesn’t this blow your mind?!
Therefore, we perceive many things about the Great Pyramid’s internal structure as something bizarre and mysterious precisely because we are so far from fully understanding how people of that era lived, thought, and what they were driven by.
But somehow we still need to satisfy our boundless curiosity. In this video, you’ll find out what’s inside and under the Egyptian pyramids, what unusual things were recently discovered there, where are priceless artifacts and the pharaoh’s body, and so much more!
What do the Egyptian pyramids hide inside and under them?
#egyptianpyramids #pyramidsofgiza #reyouniverse


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  1. The pyramids – all of them, all around Egypt plus all other artifact including the most precise granite boxes and statues were not made in 20 years by stone age people with nothing more than copper tools. Use the thing between your ears and ask questions. Your story is clearly impossible.

  2. I watched a bit but lost interest with the vague claims about a cave. Where's it at? Where are the pictures and map? And scientific corroboration? Without this is pretty obvious it's all fake. Like Mel's Hole. Bats and Spiders: that sounds like an ecosystem in a cartoon.

  3. In 1min. 33 sec. the statement is ''These is a pyramid of Kheops (Khufu).'' but on a picture&movie is Kefren (Khafre) pyramid and so it goes on. It would be nice to know the basics, before starting to talk about something.

  4. The Egyptians authorities know what’s going on , they scared on what the world will find out !!
    Let’s dig up Saudi Arabia and the Vatican!- there’s so much history buried in these foreign lands , but authorities won’t allow u to go near it.%#!t don’t make any sense.

  5. The government put them tombs in there. It wasn't built TO PUT ANYONE DEAD IN IT.. it was built for energy and to communicate back nibiru. Its way the shafts show SIGNS OF WATER EROSION!!! There's your history lesson for today..

  6. why making a colossal entrance "chevron" and then cover it with precision cut large blocks and layers of white stone limestone ? makes no sense at all ..

    i instantly stop watching after hearing the line egyptological community …

    coping hard to cover up false time line

  7. If the pyramids were built before the Egyptian time period by another civilization then why does ever documentary keep say the size of the pyramids were measured by the cubit measurements wouldn't there be a different type of measuring system in place by that other civilization not the cubit but perhaps it used a measuring system that was already existed in nature because nature is pretty precise of the the designs of natural structures and whoever it was developed that type of measuring system and applied it to things on the earth and the sea and the sky or stars

  8. It s so sad that videos and textbooks keep on saying that the pharaoh and the queen were buried in the Great Pyramid. A close study of the design of the Great Pyramid would render such a conjecture preposterous!

  9. didn't know the wheel? who makes this crap up . there is no way they put those stones in place without levys or pulleys and logs or rollers. same crap as a wheel . the pyramids are prehistoric . egypt just wants the credit for building. there are no real theory's on why or who built them . drawing on the structures doesn't mean anything or prove when they were built they were inherited by the Egyptians.

  10. The British Museum AKA the Bankster Rothschild Museum will not allow the public to Know the Facts of Humanity and our Origins because they want us to believe in their false narratives to conquer and divide. Many key artifacts are in their possession and could prove the existence of our ancestors from The outer solar system.. Monoatomic Gold Where is all the Gold mined through our History? And the fact that the removal of gold from Earth is causing the weakening magnetic fields eliminating our precious protective forces. Wake Up and The Truth Shall Set You Free

  11. The Anunaki built the Pyramids as a Beacon . The Inside chambers had crystals from Nibiru that through vibration created a pulse that lit up the Ban Ban apex a light pillar. The landing Place was the Balbek platform where the temple of Saturn was built on top. After Marduk had been pursued and attacked inside the pyramid melted stones stairs evident overlooked. The crystal technology was removed. The new Landing Place became Mexico and Peru As it is Written so shall it be Revealed

  12. The aliens came down and warned the people 11 to 12 thousands yrs. to build underground bunkers to protect them from a sudden pole shift or a meteor strike. Helped them with builds that would protect them from extreme winds and water. This was done on several continents to help humans from extinction.😮😮😮

  13. Where the hell do you get your information? It has been proved time and time again that no Pharaoh was ever interred in there. and her indoors. Yet somebody else with a load to get off their plate.

  14. The tablets of Thoth document who built the pyramid and its purpose along with the sphinx. The enuma elish also talks about the pyramids and how the annunaki also had a war over the pyramids and used nuclear weapons. That is why parts of the complex and the sand was vitrified. The pyramids were a great power source. They housed other components the annunaki removed so the people couldn’t misuse the power of the pyramids. They were giant conductors, power plants. And they’re ATLEAST 25,000 years old. The sphinx was built back then as well which explains the water erosion around it, from the younger dryas time. The Egyptians had nothing to do with the sphinx and pyramids. Everything else…yes. Same goes for teotihuacan, puma punku, machu pichu, and Cusco, ollantaytambo….that stuff was already there before the Incas existed. Humanity has been reset many many times…we only have knowledge of the most recent one. Which explains all the megalithic structures that we can’t explain when, why, or who built them.

  15. It's a tomb but it's not for pharaohs. It's for the fallen angels. They are bound under them with chains in eternal darkness until Christ comes back to cast them into hell. The books of the Bible tell you this.

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