
What we know about the effects of antibiotic resistance

317 ‒ Reforming medicine: uncovering blind spots, challenging the norm, and embracing innovation with Marty Makary, M.D., …


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  1. Infectious disease doctors are the ones to tackle antibiotics resistance, but are the some of the less paid, more overworked doctors. Let that sink in! Public health priorities are so misaligned!

  2. I have this. I have cysts cut out with no antibiotics taken. I USE COLLOIDAL SILVER SPRAY INSTEAD. I also only buy grass fed beef that has not been given antibiotics or hormones and I avoid antibiotics whenever possible. I am age 74 but in quite good health.

  3. I want to know the state of the people that succumb. As in, what percentage of them are old, immune compromised, etc.

    I've met medical professionals that are now so worried to prescribe that the patient will suffer from infections that get much worse that could have been quickly handled because the medical professional made the wrong decision.

    Medical professionals need better training on when and what to prescribe. Ancef is a serious drug but you have people that can't get amoxicillin for strep throat.

  4. The problem is that can't not give the anti-biotics if there is an infection because the same risk exists. They could die and it would be their fault for not treating the infection.

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