
What Scientists Found In This 12,000-Year-Old Cave SHOCKED EVERYONE

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  1. It looks like white Europeans really don't like Christianity. Although I like this Chanel, when it comes to Christian bashing this goes a long way. Just to let you know, most of the Christians are in the third world and it's thriving. I am from a majority Buddhist country. Here Christianity is sweeping too, I personally don't like to see my country becoming a Christian country although I am one. My point is more and more historians acknowledges that Jesus was a historical figure.

  2. I believe the great Western author Louis Lamour wrote a book called "The Haunted Mesa", in it he writes about the kiva's and the,,, magical power they possess,if and when the time is right, you will be transported away to,,, somewhere else. The Hopi tribe have their legends as well as the Navajo and several others about what happened to the builders of the canyon city,so YES PLEASE, let us be bewildered by by-gone tales of the once great place now shrouded in mystery and sun baked rocks!!!

  3. Sumerians are fallen angels and watchers. The story of what the Sumerians did is very similar to what the angels and watchers did. The angels and watchers brought knowledge to the people and taught humans how to do things such as making a fire, taught them how to cook, taught them to communicate and how to fight. They even taught people how to go to war. Enoch's books have been casted out of the Bible because apparently "there's no proof that the stuff in the books happened" well look around because there's proof of the books being just as true as the Bible. There's mountains of proof that Enoch's books are true. One of the first things people should have realized is that all the ancient gods fit the description of the fallen angels and watchers. They are always depicted bigger than the rest of the people so that's one point that people are looking at nephilims along with them being big they have powers that couldn't be achieved by human x human relationships the only way for them to get like that is by human x angel or human x watcher since the off spring of those combinations always results in giants with a lot of power and knowledge aka Nephilims. And the Bible talks about nephilims being all over the world. But people wonder why there's no evidence of them existing the same with these ancient gods. When have people ever found the bodies of the ancient gods? They haven't. Know why? Because like it says in the Bible all the nephilims were wiped out meaning all those ancient gods were wiped out because they were nephilims that's why they haven't been found. So when the Bible says there were nephilims all over the world it makes sense they were because people saw them as gods. Nephilims were basically running civilizations and civilizations were everywhere. So the nephilims WAS all over the world. You see the Samaritans and how they have wings well I'm pretty sure the Samaritans are the original fallen angels/watchers that would explain their wings, if Sumerians were the first civilization then it makes you wonder why they were depicted like angels long before the Jesus or the Bible or the Enoch books came around maybe because they were from heaven and it would make sense of that were true because of the knowledge they had. The fallen angels and watchers were depicted bringing knowledge to multiple civilizations and those civilizations worship physical gods that would have been the offspring of the Samaritans. We haven't found any bodies of the Samaritans yet and perhaps that's because they were the watchers/ fallen angels so they got wiped like said in the Bible. It makes sense because looking at the ancient gods they were capable of doing things that a human couldn't do. They were capable of doing those things because they weren't human. One of the depictions of them coming down said some kept their wings. Only people known to have wings like that is Samaritans. Another depiction is that they turned into human animal hybrids the one place that comes to mind that has human animal hybrids is Egypt and their "gods". Another depiction says they lost their wings and were humans but were bigger than most humans and had power just like the ancient Roman and Greek gods. The Bible is true and talks about the nephilims but people don't even look at the book of Enoch that explains how they got to earth. People overlook the books thinking they aren't real but trying to say they aren't real is like saying the Bible isn't real. Just like the Bible how it has lots of proof that it happened Enoch's books have just as much proof they are true as well.

  4. The Structures found in the Spanish swamp aren't Atlantis they are likely the remains of Tartessos(1500bc-400bc) a harbour city known to the Greeks that was built just beyond the pillars of Hercules hell Richard Freund the guy mentioned here was part of a team that was looking for Tartessos …the Tartessians had large fleets that sailed all over the place but went into decline after the city was destroyed in a cataclysmic event likely a Tsunami

  5. Contrary to personal or popular belief you don't have to say the name of places and things with the kind of accent you feel is appropriate to what your talking about. Only to switch back to normal speech patterns. Is just weird. Or maybe it's just me 5:36

  6. The ancient Egyptians inherited the kingdom from an earlier one for sure, they added all the frescoes and hieroglyphs onto some existing structures. The Great Pyramid, Sphinx, and Osirion are pre flood monuments definitely.

  7. This channel and it's exploratory teaching has been a major drive for me as I give back 30% of my weekly earning ($18,000) to scientific schools for research here In Louisiana 🇺🇸

  8. BEYOND the Pillars of Heracles, past the White Isle, (Britain,Cliffs of Dover), placing Atlantis on the plain of Ireland, wiped out by a seismic wave 12,000+ years ago. The 1st kings of Egypt had red hair, fair skin & were easily sunburned.

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