
What Everyone Gets Wrong About Planes

Myths and misconceptions about planes. Go to to see through media misconceptions and get all …


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  1. 3:38 this explanation of why pressure drops faster than density doesn't work out. Indirectly you're right that pressure depends on the weight of the air above it, but so does the density. The faster decrease in pressure is due to the fact that it is not only proportional to the density (assuming constant average molecular mass, but that's a relatively reasonable assumption and another story), but also to the temperature. The temperature drops in the troposphere. You can see in the diagram that, past the troposphere, the trend reverts, indicating an increase in pressure.

  2. I thought that airplane mode is imposed to keep people under control at takeoff and landing. You don't want someone getting a call or text that freaks them out and makes them want to get off the plane.

  3. People just drink tomato juice on planes for the same reason they suddenly feel the weird urge to eat popcorn as soon as they behold moving pictures although they would never eat it outside of a cinema: tradition. They were just always told these two belong together, so they comply with it.

  4. You'd think the airlines would turn the engines off when they reach 43,000ft so they can glide while using zero fuel at all, the glide ratio of these things is insane.

  5. The typical fuel consumption rates for a Boeing 737-800 during the different stages of flight are:

    Taxi: 500-700 kg/hr
    Climb: 3,500-5,500 kg/hr
    Cruise: 2,000-3,000 kg/hr
    Descent: 500-700 kg/hr

    80kg and 40kg , what he talking about??

  6. I think on the question of why the door has not been opened in flight by someone .. It would be because everyone thought the doors were locked and needs a code or release switch.
    Your clarification could trigger some crazy ones out there.😮

  7. HAH! I had binged a bunch of mentourpilot's videos a while back, so I got all the trick questions right and then I see that none other than mentourpilot himself is a guest in this video! Love it!

  8. Older cell phones and pagers did frequently cause false alarms on collision avoidance equipment, sometimes resulting in the ploits being required to make abrupt maneuvers in order to avoid the phantom "aircraft" that was actually a personal electronic device. Newer phones have reduced this issue, but it does still happen occasionally.

  9. my phoen is usaly in airplane mode it stays at 100% and slowly drains moment even just one connection is added or taken off airplane mode it drops liek 10 20% a day even when not in use :/.

  10. In Argentina there's a law prohibiting cellphone calls on gas stations near the pumps. Because there could be a spark from the phone to the car and ignite the fuel. Nobody talks about the REAL cause: static electricity 😢 and fires continues just because they are prohibiting the wrong thing

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