
What do aliens want? NewsNation sits down with former Pentagon

Former Pentagon official Lue Elizondo sat down with NewsNation contributor Ross Coulthart and discussed what Elizondo …


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  1. Essentially, anyone who does not align with the United States cannot be considered benevolent, regardless of whether they are human or not. I have always respected diverse perspectives, but today, my faith in this individual's pursuit of truth has been shaken. After hearing just a brief segment of his interview, I now see him as yet another North American displaying a complex of superiority. It’s disheartening; I had hoped he would prove to be different.

  2. some even believe aliens are so advanced that they can blend in with us, does that explain all the stupidity that’s been going on with every government? or every elite? destroying us by infiltrating us .

  3. I’m starting to subscribe to the Greer idea that lue and a bunch of these pro disclosure scientists and ex intelligence guys and girls are all simply spreading disclosure specifically after being ordered to do so. Probably want these individuals to cushion the blow for them so they don’t get justice for the crimes they committed against humanity in an attempt to uphold this secret.

  4. If ets were hostile we would be long long gone after we started downing their craft.
    Humans, while still savage, have in fact come quite a way in many parts of the globe in terms of kindness/benevolence since 1000AD. Imagine what hundreds of thousands or millions of years of further growth would do? To truly believe they are hostile is completely fanciful.
    Would we want to invade and take over a zoo enclosure to live in? No. Well that is what earth is to them. And we are the zoo animals.

  5. The Grey are the same species as the Annunaki. They are so advanced beyond our comprehension, our current understanding of benevolence wouldnt be able to describe their existence or behavior. We are barbaric compared to intergalactic or interstellar civilizations, we are perhaps millions of years, or even billions of years, behind them.

  6. Elizondo is an alarmist and I’m starting to think he is now on an ego trip. Elizondo to Aliens….” What have you done for me lately?”: I think that he needs to leave the research to those who really care and want want to know the truth. He behaves as if he is trying to get a Hollywood movie deal Tacky!

  7. They came here before, they met with world leaders and told them, warned them about the path we were on, and that they would help us if we agreed.
    We did NOT agree and so they told us we were on our own.

    Now they watch us, they make sure they can intervene by observing and testing. Sure they could conquer us in no time flat, but that is NOT their agenda.
    It's not truly benevolent in a sense either, because they could intervene in ways that would truly upset our civilization. While that would seem to be altruistic, it would also be detrimental in many ways.

  8. Genuinely believe that they don't care about us that much. Just like many of us, don't think twice about the insects that crawl around outside. Humanity is too vainglorious. We place too much significance on ourselves as if we're the centre of attention. Personally, I'd imagine the planet itself is of more interest to them than ourselves.

  9. Here we go again, another book to keep the Alien Myth alive….but nothing new…the same old desire of New AGERS AND UFOLOGISTS to keep talking about fake aliens, and demonic entities from old…someone is always trying to make money from the fools..

  10. The whole UFO enigma is probably part of a global incarnation scheme where the cultural paradigms of humanity are of strategic relevance to keep the mysteries alive.The only disclosure you might get is through individual awakenings and the scheme will still continue. The aliens, the spirits, the deniability… oh, my!

  11. They didn’t stop us because they wanted to see how far would human kind go and guess what we went way to far and can’t be trusted with nuclear ☢️ weapons there message they told me was that get rid of all nuclear ☢️ weapons and energy when freee ambient energy is here for all 😎♥️👽🙏🤗🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸🛸and antigravity tell the whole truth amigo

  12. I’ll say it again . This guy is a dis informationist .. his whole goal is to make u think these beings are hostile and a threat to further push the government agenda . They want a “one world government together against a common alien threat” been talked about for decades and it’s happening right jnfront of our eyes . If they wanted to hurt us .. they would have . Since when would a man with these claims be able to do interviews on these big media platforms … it’s bc they allow him to . He’s a veteran .. his loyalty lies with the us governmet. Don’t be fooled

  13. AREA 51 ??? Zechariah 5:1-4

    51 – 15 = 36 = 666

    51 + 15 = 66 = 26 = Z

    ALIEN = An Lie

    A=1 N=14

    1 + 14 = 15 = O

    1 + 5 = 6

    L=12 I = 9 E = 5

    12 + 9 + 5 = 26 = Z

    26 = 66

    ALIEN = An Lie = OZ = 6 66

  14. We have to be pretty stupid and arrogant to think we r the only and more superior species
    😂😂 this isn't a science fiction film,
    Secondly luis top security clearance and his push back from departments denying answers and access clearly shows a unwilling and clearly deceptive actions showing there is obviously serious and highly sensitive material knowledge and access on another level ,
    This elite group are no doubt not controlled by any single government and probably gained superior power and control on the basis of retrieved and tecnical privileged advances that has put them beyond any government control ,
    The tail now wags the dog and has done for some time
    The only good to come out of this concealed highly secretive dept they have on the face of it prevented any gained advantages being used against any global conflict
    Somethimg I cam say would have been clearly used by nato if they had a clear and overwhelming advantage
    This disappoints me to say that but I think it's beyond a fact
    Far more advances and the hidden world behind the last 70 yrs of what we believe has been recovered is likely to shock the world if nothing other that religion will be a novel designed to manipulate people to control our beliefs in just one creator, albeit a slight variation with different religion ultimately taught to believe the same essentials
    Creating alot of social order of good verses evil and the vast observing whats right based on religious books of what everyone gets taught as a matter of course growing up
    Think we r im for a shock 😂
    Luis elizondo amd others have only been allowed to disclose verified sources and information
    His book will have been vetted prior it its release

  15. Why did u stick "India" with the notorious "North Korea".There's a huge difference between these two countries.First learn and research about India then make any comments.

  16. I dont trust Lue Elizondo, something about him.. definitely keeping knowledge to himself..
    You want to know someone worth watching and listening to, research and watch Robert Bigelow interviews, and the new owner of skinwalker ranch, then you will have an idea of things they are hiding from us. And keep in mind, that is just 1 very small area on this planet.

  17. So because aliens don't interfere with our weaponry and wars means they are not benevolent? Aliens are not here to help us nor to destroy us, they just leave us humanity to follow our own path. They are here for their own "selfish" reasons, they are here to solve their own problems. There is such a thing as the prime directive, a rule not to interfere with the inferior species. Colonisation is apparently not allowed, otherwise all humans would be their slaves by now. Although interference is allowed as long as it suits their agenda, I mean abductions, they are the exception to the prime directive.

  18. Aliens are here to claim their share of the biosphere, including the human race. Ultimately, the world will be divided into alien lands and those under God. The western hemisphere will be almost entirely alien in the coming centuries.

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