
What China JUST Did To COMAC C919 SHOCKED The Entire America!

COMAC, China’s ambitious aircraft manufacturer, is taking on industry giants like Boeing and Airbus with its C919 jet. Backed by China’s massive economy and growing aviation needs, the C919 could mark a turning point in global aviation. As COMAC partners with Western companies to boost credibility, major Chinese airlines have already placed large orders. The question now is whether COMAC can prove its worth on the global stage. Will Boeing’s dominance hold, or is the C919 the start of a new era in aviation?

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  1. You don’t talk too much!!! The USA power and money and relationships with this World is already dead by Children Joe Biden and Hamala!!!! Now the BRICS is the World BOSS and they are care the world future! The Joe and Hamala wants only war and bloody and dead and after lost own self!!!! 😂😂😂😂

  2. China technology is superb from space technology to EV cars and now commercial aircraft. Soon, the C919 will beat the Boeing and Airbus in market share. The envious US and its allies will target China aircraft sales. No worries, China can sell value for money C919 to Africa, Middle East and Asean countries except the Philippines and Singapore.

  3. The global aviation market is large enough for 3 big players. Currently, neither Boeing nor Airbus can meet the fast rising needs of the global passenger aviation market. Lockheed Martin is shrewd to keep on excelling and growing in the military aviation market. It will take COMAC no less than 20 years from now to rival Boeing and Airbus; barring any serious setback of whatever nature.

  4. A white elephant! China do not possess the technological prowess when 90% of its parts are western technology and its AI tech is western patent. China do not produce all the key components of the C919 and this poses a terminal danger to future safety and viability.

  5. Yes they can. Because the world has turned its back on the west, and they dont need the west at all….. so it means they dont trust boeing or airbus any more! I wonder why? So russar, china, and Brasilia, have now got the world turning to them. And theh dont need the usa dollar for trade. Welcome to brics+

  6. History had shown that David can & will take down Goliath. What so grand about Boing that had so many accident & killer of so😮 many life + destroying of of many family happiness , & humanity. Nothing is impossible to the dragon while the bald headed vulture only scavenging the sky for decay rotten meat for survival.Safety record has shown Boing ihas nothing to shout about but more to cry about considering to amount of family suffering it has caused

  7. Any undue delay in certification of China made planes by FAA and EASA will force China to retaliate against unfair practices. Western certification is necessary in order to offer C919 on international market and except for non compliance of technical specifications, the West has no justification to withhold approval.

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