
Watch This If You’re On A Self Improvement Journey

Are you on a self-improvement journey? In this video, we dive into some of the most important things to remember when in the …


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  1. such a cool video, resonated with a lot of stuff a lot. i notice how ppl around me keep giving their emotions to some irrelevant bs like being a few minutes late, someone else looking weird at them, and it SO goes hand by hand with a victim mindset AND EMOTIONAL REGULATION POINT god bless emotional regulation, i wish more people knew how to manage their emotions, that they need to process them in a healthy way and if they don't they make arguments go on forever, they get into unhelathy coping mechanisms and it all results in more job to do to get out of there. All in all, amazing video, very put together, such a breath of fresh air in the "self-improvement" YouTube :) wisu you a nice day :)

  2. This was a really great video! Thank you for all of your advice :) I'm turning 20 in under a month and I only just started my self improvement journey last year. I really appreciate seeing your perspective as someone who as been at this a lot longer than I have. It's really encouraging. The victim mindset and emotional regulation are the two things I struggle with the most but I'm certainly getting there. I'm great at bottling up my feelings and not communicating with people is a huge challenge for me. I've been seeing improvements in my mindset and how present I am in the world. Seeing that difference truly is amazing. This is the first time I've come across your channel so I'll definitely need to check out the rest of your content

  3. This one really made something click. I have started to give up on myself trying to learn how to love myself through the internet. I see tips like "cook for yourself" "take yourself on a date" "drink more water" and i cant do that, it doesnt make me care about myself. My issue is i couldnt care les about myself. This one is fuckin real. Ive realized that i do treat myself like a victim. Even my most traumatic experiemce, being mute for my entire teenagehood, stemmed from a victim mindset. I dont need to see myself as unloveable and broken anymore. Its just that i dont know who i am without that label.

  4. Absolutely agree! I've seen many people struggle with staying on track in their self-improvement journeys. Research shows that 70% of people give up on their goals due to lack of clear strategies and immediate feedback. This often stems from setting unrealistic expectations, which leads to frustration and burnout. It’s crucial to have actionable steps and support. I faced this issue myself and, after exploring various options, a friend recommended Habit10x. Their habit-building program provided the structure and motivation I needed. Found them through Google.

  5. Deciding to take responsibility for everything in my life instead of complaining and being a victim is honestly the most life changing experience. I’ve started to see that I have way more control over my life than I thought. Thanks for this amazing content! 🫶

  6. I am so confused as to whether I should feel and heal THROUGH the emotion, or to "let it go" as you said to be more productive in a society that doesn't prioritize healing the soul.

    There was another interesting video that you may want to look up and it's called "do not move an inch". I don't necessarily think this act of weathering emotions and experiencing the hell (instead of letting it go, actually feel them) is the best for some traumatized people or others with certain mental health issues though. I'm curious about your take on this, because there are a lot of awesome things that I took away from this. Healing paths are so varied I think, but this one seems more conducive to productivity.

  7. how do you set those recurring reminders? with an alarm app? or do you have another manifestation app. ive been looking for a good affirmations app for the longestttt.

    affirmations i got from this video i will be using:
    i am valuable.
    i am good at this.
    i am meant for this […]
    today could be the day that could change the rest of your life.
    is this a choice a person who loves themselves would make?

  8. Do you talk with people 1:1? I would love to talk more personally with you about some things you talk about in this video. Im honestly just trying to find people to give me feedback that is fair. You seem like someone who could fit with that for me. Anyway, your videos are so helpful and they dont spark anxiety around change. Your talking helps me feel more resourced and soothes my brain while helping me hold on to the new information.

  9. I'm a woman who works in construction. The amount of sexualization and demeaning comments I've encountered was so destabilizing to my sense of self. but when I took what people said and saw it says more about them than it ever says about me. staying in my lane, excelling at my job and keeping my side of the street clean that's all I can do. If someone who doesn't even know me wants to say some nasty shit about me I just remember what a journeyman said to me once "if they aren't financing you, feeding you, or f*cking you does their opinion even matter. And if they don't even know you and say shit then why would you care anymore than a crazy person coming up to you and saying nonsense on the street" I could be a victim or I can just be the best me I can be and people can take it or leave it

  10. I love the message of this video, but you lost me at using the “very demure” woman as an example. A lecture from a TikTok celebrity about how people should stop being mad at the world & not creating quality content to get deals & engagement, when she was the one who not only bashed deals but got OVERNIGHT FAME (with brand deals now breaking down her door) by making a lil tiktok video in her car & judging others WHO HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH HER & HER OWN INTERVIEW about how they dress for interviews, is quite ironic & slightly defeats the message.

    Other than that, everything else you said is church!👍🏾✨

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