
War Robots 9.7 Update Overview but 100% HONEST

Obviously, this video is a parody with AI voices


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  1. I aint no lawyer… but, im pretty sure CoD just got sued for similar stunts. And this company has presented possibly the most soulless barrage of microtransactions i have ever seen in any game, ever.

  2. Yo bro playing the shenlou isn't that easy like you do in scorpion (You can't teleport back as you wish), even though the attack power is high but yet the defence is so weak, you must definitely have the robots pilot to have increased defence. I got the shenlou on a giveaway and in only 1/3 of the possibility I am getting back alive. Thankfully i got 2 UE orkan (RIP 14 doritos chip I got from leaderboards), but one thing is sure, playing this bot isn't that easy, you must definitely have skills…(I don't know how this bot will be after nerf)😢

  3. War Robots must be boycotted. They are sitting in Cyprus laughing at all of us. Done with this game. Wish somebody would buy them and fire all their developers. Gonna sell my hangar to another sucker. The introduce meta, buff cycle is tiring. We hope the hackers proliferate (they are everywhere now) making the game unplayable. Got to hurt them in their greedy pockets. Not buying or up grading anything anymore.

  4. This has been their MO for YEARS now. The new owners behind Pigsonic are just ramping it up more than ever. This is why I like channels like Predator because he can hold his own with a NON meta hangar and still do well. It's what I do and I can still have fun and maintain low Champ league.

  5. Only inaccurate thing here is them nerfing it because they want to, they nerf it because 80-99% of the entire playerbase bitches and cries for pixo to nerf it, only to be shocked that its getting a nerf next update

  6. Legendary video. Instead of working on the game, remove the lags and make it normal cross-platform. They draw robots every month and sell them at an inflated price.

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