
[Vlog] Daily Life in Nagasaki, Japan: Meeting Friends, Cooking Miso Soup, and Starting Compost

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  1. Lovely video! Congratulations again on your increase in subscribers! Oh, and good luck on the compost. You might need to bury it deeper to keep animals from digging it up- depends on what kind of nighttime animals you have in your neighborhood. Plastics? We have some cloth vegetable bags that work for some things, but because many stores pre-package their food, it isn't always an option. For storage we've been making the move to glass containers. They still have plastic in their lids, but we avoid using plastic wherever possible. Oh, and I have a question: is there a reason why tofu is held in the hand while cutting it?

  2. I love your life SO much ! Your choiches of special delicious coffee is so inspiring ! I love to watch your different cooking – I really love this PEACEFUL living – no noise only the birds and nature ❤ – its a nice ckean tidy kitchen – fried tofu is so delicious – all tofu is – I appriciate very very much the information about your prefecture – Thank you so very much ! I so enjoyed to see the streets – What a nice evening with friends 🎉 home gardening ! You can grow your own veggies 😊 – I hope you enjoyed the wine – Walking to shopping is the best !! I enjoy SO much to see shelf in the shop and what the shop sell 🎉- potato is national food in Denmark like rice is in Japan – Must be SO good in miso ! Never enough ingridients in miso soup 😂 Compost is very good 👍

  3. Une chose que je ne comprends pas dans la préparation de certains plats japonais : Pourquoi on ne fait pas rissoler les oignons avant de faire les soupes ?

  4. Hi, I often dig my compost into my garden beds and it quickly rots down.
    Can I suggest adding some water to the compost, as you soil looks a little dry. In Australia we sometimes have problems with rats and possums digging up the compost, so I cover it with cardboard.
    Enjoy your gardening adventure.

  5. Just discovered your videos and I'm loving the vibes 😊
    Can I ask you what's your current job? I'm curious. I can see that you work (or study) from home.
    Saludos desde España!

  6. Nice videos of "ordinary life." Tamanegi no ne no bubun wa oishii desuyo. Mottainai! For misoshiru: When you add miso, is the heat still on? If you add it after the heat is turned off, the nutritious elements of miso will be preserved.

  7. I really love that Nagasaki educates residents and visitors about its history. I didn’t know about the connection to Portugal. It would be cool if someone, a restaurant or a wine merchant, would promote Portuguese wines. I wish I could find onions as fresh and as beautiful as the ones you harvested. Thanks for sharing a part of your life with us.

  8. Justo acabo de llegar de un largo paseo junto al mar y me encuentro con tu vídeo: ¡Qué alegría me he llevado!(acabo de empezar a verlo😊

    Vives en un lugar privilegiado: estás en un entorno natural y,a la vez,disfrutas de las comodidades y los servicios que ofrece el área urbana…y sin tener que desplazarte con ningún vehículo!👌

    Yo vivo en una isla pequeña y aquí son muy comunes los boquerones secos y salados (así se conservan durante mucho tiempo🐟);los llamamos "pejines" y se acostumbra a flambearlos con ron para comerlos así,como un pequeño acompañante🔥🎏

    Muchas gracias por compartir tus blogs,querido amigo,me hacen muy feliz😁
    Un abrazo grande desde España💖

  9. Plastic ? Like wraps and bags ? Bring a shopping bag or something similar for shopping or pack spare plastic bags. When weighing fresh produce, just apply the price tag directly on the vegetable. For cold storage, use something like Tupperware or any containers of sorts.

    Thank you for showing us your garden ! 🙏

  10. 動画にありがとうございます!
    今日初めて観ていて、友達にオススメしました。 長崎の生活は穏やかで忙しくなそうですね。 料理の作り方は難しくなく健康に良くて、バランスもありそうです。 ロシアのサンクト・ペテルブルクから「おはよう」。 いつか長崎へ観光に行きたいです。

  11. About plastics – I've noticed that you sometimes heat up frozen rice in a plastic bag in the microwave. I'm no expert but potentially micro plastics could leak from the plastic bag to the rice when heated up so I'd remove the rice from the bag before heating it up.
    Thank you for showing us these glinpses of Nagasaki and your life!

  12. こんばんは! 雨の長崎も綺麗です。鳥のさえずりが良い感じ❢ 長崎は煮干の生産が一番なんですね!お味噌汁は具沢山の方が絶対に美味しい!! 



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