
Urgent Update: Experts Say Something Is WRONG With Dark Energy

Dark energy, the mysterious force driving the universe’s expansion, might not be as constant as we thought! New findings from the Dark Energy Survey and the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument suggest that dark energy could be weakening over time, challenging decades of cosmological theories. In this video, we break down the latest research, explore what this means for the future of cosmology, and discuss the potential impact on our understanding of the universe. Stay tuned for this exciting cosmic update!

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  1. Wait, dark energy might be changing? I thought the whole reason it was called dark energy is because we don't know what it is. How can it change? From what? We don't even know what it is.

  2. What if dark energy is just sound waves from the big bag and other stars that we are just seeing now ,;just like we are just seeing the the light from billions of light years away, we'll as sound usually follows light from explosions maybe it's just the sound waves still contining to make there way and we are just seeing its effects now

  3. HUH? WOW!! SOOOOO crushed at the end instead of pulled apart down to the molecule. Could this still be a part of the original expansion at the big bang which is FINALLY at a stop?

  4. Dark matter and dark energy. Nobody knows now nobody can ever know forever.
    I think modern day scientists are losers. The last breakthrough we had was in the Einstein and Oppenheimer era. Probably we need world war for brilliant minds to come out 😢

  5. Halton Arp debunked the expansion fallacy long ago with intinsic redshift. So they took away his telescope time!
    Yet NASA continues with the Dark Energy lie, and will not consider plasma … because Paradigms cant be challenged can they?
    Your "cornerstone of cosmology" has been proven wrong. But keep wasting billions of our money.

  6. Dark matter and dark energy R. Nothing more, then a combination gravitation. And electromagnetics and plasma and dust. All of which, we are discovering more and more about with every passing day. And thus the models which contain dark matter and dark energy have less and less validity.

  7. Dark energy isn't is our understanding of it that is changing. From a constant force in the universe, now it is observed it is not as constant. Eventually, in other future lifetimes, observation of dark energy will show it contracting. We are viewing a brief portion of the dark matter and trying to determine the overall pattern of it. Perhaps it is something else behind dark matter which chooses what force to use so it is dif each time or perhaps the universe's expansion was just the exhale of God as said in ancient Hindu texts.. once God inhales everything will move closer and collide and destroy.

  8. 😊It's wrong as always. The universe is coming together in a dynamic loop, but we are not seeing expansion but inflation, or rather "degradation". But that is also wrong, because in fact it returns to its basic state of monolithicity after disturbed stability. Everything is based on the principle of dynamic stability, and everything takes place at once, as a single unit.😮 And not "they"(ie. scientists) then "my"(ie.personally).😊

  9. Vibrations filling up the black holes of silence and even energy isnt energy is what I understood as it basically makes the exterior feel of voltages that shock a person who touches it but in space itself could not unlease grounded out

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