
Uh Oh, Some Bad News From Mars But Also a Major Discovery In Its Orbit

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  1. Here is why there is no funding and a purpose to keep us from growing technologically: Every bot on CNN is praising Joe for sending billions to Ukraine Israel for death and war …You know what would be better than crashing our dollar further trillions in debt maybe figuring out terms for peace , oh, that’s Trump’s idea! We’re trillions in debt, but I guess the fall of the dollar means nothing to these ppl. The money won’t launder itself. Both sides of the Isle are corrupt with insidertrading and special interest group payouts. They do not look out for the American people. They only serve a line their own pockets, even if it means war and blood for others countries.

  2. Makes me wonder if this is how Pfizer was allowed to fleece the worlds taxpayers of many billions of dollars
    …..you guys think we don't notice who gets in bed together? 😂😂..

  3. If you don't discount the moon, we have launched a rocket from another planet. The lunar lander was propelled by rocket motors, it wasn't a tube topped with a cone, but that's OK it was never intended to be used in atmosphere.

  4. Six billions at 1:31 ? Peanuts! That’s only ⅙ of the last 61 billions the global terrorists of the current US administration spent to elongate the Ukraine war, Obama started in 2014. Since then about a trillion was spent for killing people. For the sake of defence industry and not “to save democracy”. What a BS. That was ended by the US organised Maidan plot in 2014 and dispossession of democratic elected Yanukovych, same schematics as 1973 in Chile. When Ukrainians once will realise they have been cheated and died for the sake of US armaments industry and BlackRock, they and their country will have be enslaved by those companies and the WEF (and the ones controlling it), the source of all evil on the planet. That trillion would have been better spent into science projects.

  5. Flying through thin C02 on Mars is much easier than flying through liquid methane rain on Titan. Screw Titan. The moon Enceladas (around Saturn) has a heated water ocean under that surface ice. Forget helicopters, go with ROVs. We already have proven tech for ocean exploration.

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