
U.S. Government IS LYING And Evidence Of ALIENS Exists:

NewsNation correspondent Brian Entin dives into the networks special coverage of UAPs and UFOs. Previously recorded #uap …


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  1. Ross Coulthart "We've been recovering spacecraft: Alien spacecraft". Lou Elizondo "US has been recovering objects, vehicles of unknown origin that are neither from our country or any other country that we are aware of". As far as I am aware of, in the answers that he gives, he has never once said "Oh yes, they are spacecraft: they are not from this Earth, they are from another planet".

  2. Whether or not this report or anything in this story is truthful or not. The sheer Magnitude of our galaxy alone should be evidence enough that we’re not alone. There’s trillions of stars out there and with that being a scientific fact it would be near impossible for US to be the only intelligent species out there.

  3. 99% of all ufo activity is man made. All this recent ufo propaganda ia because they plan of a fake ufo invasion. It is called Project Blue beam. they are censoring anyone that talks about it. The black goverment has technologies we cannot even fathom.

  4. Back in the late 80’s, it was saint patty day. I was driving home from work. Going over bridge that goes over reservoir, I’m seeing a bright light. Once I got over bridge I pulled over with dozens of other people. There hovering over the water was a larger round object. It was just hovering there, making a low humming sound. The people there and myself just couldn’t believe what we were seeing. Now threw the years you hear people seeing UTO’s. But it’s hard to believe. So here I am looking at this. I’m so close to it. And I’m still having trouble understanding what I’m seeing. This happened in Somers New York. To this day I can still see it. And it’s still hard to wrap my brain around it. But it was a UFO.

  5. Ok so this is excellent content.

    To correct the statement by Brian E.
    Lue E. Is not the “ original whistleblower “ nor is David G.

    Bob L. Gets the title instead. All of the base information, the physics explanation and element 115 all is derived from Bob L.

    These are facts! The more recent soft disclosures are very important. The credit and respect must be given to the proper individuals! Respectfully!

    America 🇺🇸 is the light of this world! Amen and god bless!

  6. Yes we are ! My mother said a ufo was above our house late one night . i was 5 years . i tried to go outside to better see it and she refused . she pulled the door closed and wouldn't look out until it was gone ,and she could see the stars in the sky .
    I don't believe it was a ufo .
    If i cannot see with my own eyes .
    If i cannot attempt communication then i don't believe . i worked with a french man . no speak but we communicated .
    All this alien talk is fake .

  7. I'm very tired of the fearmongering Luis Elizondo does. "They are in our airspace, they are a threat!" Come on, buddy. They've been in our airspace since before we claimed it, do you really think they're the threat when your military shoots them down? We are the most threatening thing to this planet, and until we stop pointing guns at everything we don't understand, they are not going to offer any kind of knowledge or assistance.

  8. As always…where's the evidence? We need actual verifiable evidence of ET and ET craft, because without that, it's just talk. Grusch is the same…all talk, no evidence.

  9. Yes there will be a day that this, man's biggest deception will likely be used. They are not aliens in the sense that the spirit against God wants everyone to think. It will likely not be long now.
    And it is easy to see the many deceptions in the world today, and how much effort the media is to help those deceptions move along.

  10. Fossils cannot survive plate tectonics (please follow along) – plates emerge, things die on them leaving fossils, plates subduct destroying fossils; (TLDR) what if ships survive subduction only to reemerge inside a new plate. A ship that never melts and whos power last for eons.

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