
Twilight Science: Forrest Mims Unlocks the Secrets of the Atmosph…

Many of us have enjoyed a colorful twilight or a stunning sunset. But how often do we think about the science behind these memorable conditions? Forrest Mims has been measuring the Earth’s atmosphere for more than 30 years. On this episode of ID The Future, Mims shares with us some of the secrets he’s learned from his long-term research. Mims has forged a distinguished scientific career despite having no academic training in science. He is an instrument designer, science writer, and independent science consultant. Mims has published over 60 books, including his latest: Maverick Scientist: My Adventures as an Amateur Scientist.


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One Comment

  1. Duly posted to my Facebook page! I grew up practically living in Radio Shack stores and eventually became a manager in 2 different Toronto stores. Forrest and me go back a long way it seems. I had no idea until now that we are brothers in Christ! That said, I'd like to book in advance some heavenly fishing trips with this fine brother! 🥰

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