
Top 20 Scariest Unexplained Discoveries Ever Made

These discoveries freaked people out! Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’re counting down our picks for the creepiest …


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  1. Number 3:
    I think I heard the answer to this one once on a mystery TV show. They deduced that the severed feet in shoes are actually the remains from victims of some plane wrecks that crashed and sank underwater. As the bodies decomposed the rubber in the shoes remained boyant and eventually, in the currents, floated to the surface and were washed ashore. Gross and unsettling but hardly paranormal or deliberately sinister.

  2. I have read a possible explanation for the severed feet. The things they have in common is that they are wearing lightweight sneakers, and they are all pretty recent, I think from after 1980? Earlier, shoes were much heavier and did not float. When a body decomposes the tendons disappear, so the bones become loose from each other. The loose bones do not float, but the bones inside the sneakers float up. That they end up on the same stretch of coast has to do with currents. Where I come from we have both a Driftwood beach and a Plastic beach. So the feet have nothing to do with each other, basically.

  3. I think the shoes found with the feet inside are just a form of punishment and a way of letting others drug dealers know that they are "shady" when it comes to payment.

  4. That puzzle skeleton screams 'occult' to me, people used to believe some wild stuff (still do) and really did think you could perform magic and even necromancy and such, hell the Codex Gigas was essentially supposed to be a guide for people who wanted to work with particular devils or demons. I'm not exaggerating this, you can look it up, but there were people (especially the rich) who would sacrifice people or even babies (usually the homeless or orphans, people no one really cared about or would notice they're gone) and do all sorts of crazy things thinking that they were performing some ritual that would bring them more power or money or sex or whatever. Doesn't help that a lot of them had lead poisoning and/or syphilis so they were slowly going insane as their brains rotted.

  5. I'm surprised that Rujm El-Hiri exists at all. Usually over time, not only are the useful artifacts taken but also all the stones as well to be reused as building materials in the area.

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