
TimeSpot 27_Sci of Music_Intro-Agriculture-Astromony

In the future, food production will be a large and important field for people to work in. It will accidentally be discovered that colors will induce plants to great growth and right on top of this the discovery will be made that musical vibrations will also contribute to this growth. This will lead to an experimental growth station to feed humanity with the growing of miniature crops. A group consisting of musicians, horticulturists, agriculturists and scientists need to get together and brainstorm. There is a whole field out there to be explored in “Nature’s Mineral Garden.” We should explore it and use it.
Astronomy is where the repeated pattern for the progress and growth and evolution for the human mind is found. For this reason, it is a very important science and should be studied much by those in the field of healing, especially those attempting to heal the mind. It will be necessary to understand the formation of the total universe to enable us to understand the formation of one human being. This is due to the fact that all is a repeated pattern of the beginning of the universe. This is where understanding must start.
• The Science of Music is a science of unification. Music is the communication link or language not only between all of nature, but also between all of the universes. The Science of Music is another way of stating that the universe is made up of vibratory rates.
• One of the first baby steps of taking music into science is by tying music and color together. For example, our musical scale of C major matches the colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.
• The Science of Agriculture – in the future it will accidentally be discovered that colors and musical vibrations will induce plants to great growth.
• The Science of Astronomy – it will be necessary to understand the formation of the total universe to enable us to understand the formation of one human being.


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