
Time's Silent Witness ||Ancient Secrets of the Kalpa

Prepare to embark on an extraordinary journey through time as we unveil the enigmatic Kalpa Vigraha, the oldest idol ever known …


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  1. Notice to My Viewers:

    Hello, dear viewers! Before you dive into this intriguing video about the Kalpa Vigraha, we want to make something clear. In this video, we present a knowledge perspective based on one-sided points of view. We want to emphasize that we are not confirming the authenticity or validity of the Kalpa Vigraha news.

    The purpose of this video is to explore the fascinating aspects and potential significance of the Kalpa Vigraha within a historical and cultural context. We aim to spark curiosity, inspire imagination, and encourage discussions around ancient artifacts and their potential implications.

    While the Kalpa Vigraha has gained attention and speculation, it is crucial to remember that historical and archaeological research is an ongoing process. New discoveries, interpretations, and perspectives may emerge over time, reshaping our understanding of ancient artifacts.

    We encourage you, our valued viewers, to engage with an open mind, respect diverse opinions, and conduct further research to form your own well-informed conclusions.

    Remember, the joy of knowledge lies in the exploration and exchange of ideas. Enjoy the video and let it ignite your curiosity about the mysteries that surround us. Thank you for being a part of our community, and we appreciate your continued support!

    With warm regards,


  2. A simple google search would have revealed that it's fake. Being a Hindu I love my religion but false claims like this put us in a fanatical light and makes us look stupid.

  3. Along with all bullshit religions HINDUISM is one,where mud/potty idols are considered as mother and are kept in huge TEMPLE. Whereas human mothers are neglected and are kept in oldage home or in road. All MENTALS read GITANJALI and BECOME TRUE HUMAN NOT BULLSHIT GOD,ALLAH, JESUS,RAM. Thank you

  4. Other facts that this video does not mention
    1. It was supposedly handed over by a Buddhist monk who lived in a Tibetan monastery
    2. Carbon dating of the wooden chest was carried out by California University radiation laboratory
    3. The date that they mentioned is 26,450 BC – that makes it at least 28,450 years old
    4. Image resembles Hindu God Lord Shiva with serpent over his head bit holding a weapon or musical instrument that is circular resembling Chakra or Tambourine

  5. Meanwhile Hindus are : we knew it and now you know it too. And respectfully rests the case. There is one religion and is the father of all religions that’s Sanatan Dharma . We don’t want you to follow it, or believe in it or preach. May everyone in this world be blessed. May there be no more pain and fighting on inconsequential things. We are all connected on a higher level, so if you are in pain I feel the pain . If you are happy I am happy. The world is ☝️! Vasudaiva Kutumbakam ! Har Har Mahadev!!!🇮🇳🔱

  6. There's been civilizations on this planet for hundreds of thousands of years why are we so stupid to think that we are the best or the smarjust when it's clearly presented the third is technologies before us the surpasses anything and everything that we have now things that we can't even fathom how they figured out how to do

  7. The age of the Kalpa Vigraha idol is still debated by scientists. Some scientists believe that the idol is indeed 26,450 years old, while others believe that it is much younger. There is no definitive answer to this question, why?
    reason, the dating method which was used was thermoluminescence dating method and this dating method is not always accurate, especially for objects that are very old, the true age of the Kalpa Vigraha idol remains a mystery and it's location is unknown too, even if we take this reason into consideration still it is older then egyptian pyramids Kalpa Vigraha is a solid evidence of the early existence of Hinduism in India.
    There are some other idols which are old, Venus of Willendorf (Austria) – 28,000-25,000 BCE, Venus of Kostenki (Russia) – 30,000-35,000 BCE, Venus of Hohle Fels (Germany) – 35,000-40,000 BCE.

  8. The truth is no one wants to accept that Hinduism or can say Sanatan is the oldest but every one wants to prove mine is real.
    Proof exists & never be hidden.
    Jai Shree Ram

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