
this months choices make next months body

ADF challenge for September! Here is a link to the downloadable PDF SHOP THE Ultimate Alternate Day …


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  1. Love your content. I do disagree about the carbs. I eat loads of carbs and still lose weight doing ADF. I think we 100% need carbs – but obviously the right carbs. I do think promoting a low carb diet is dangerous. Keep up the carbs on refuel days ❤

  2. Congratulations on graduating from ADF!!!! 60+ lbs in 8 months is enough. Thank you for coaching me along the way. Because of you, I started ADF in Nov 2023. Fell of the mental wagon by Jan 2024. I started back ADF 31 Aug then you popped up in my feed. My goal is to do ADF for September (turning 43 on 4 Sep). So far, so good. Its so mental and I have to give you the credit for my progress. Thank you and all the very best on OMAD.

  3. I had to start over. And on the 1st day at that. I've come to realized that I can't have leftovers in the fridge. A fridge full of food and the leftovers make me anxious. Tuesday is now my fast day. I may do a 72 hour to get me on track with the challenge.

  4. Can you imagine, the first day of fasting and my sister called that she was making my favorite food so i should come around 😂 I said the devil is a lier 😂😂 I gave her excuses and didn't go 💪

  5. Seriously, hearing you talk and simplifying this whole process, particularly the part about finding joyful things instead of worrying about food and eating, makes me so grateful to have you as our coach! ADF for the win!

  6. Hi, I'm 18 years old .I've been watching your videos on ADF, and this is my third week doing adf .I weighed 85 kg, and I've lost 4 kg so far.I just want to thank you for inspiring me ❤🙏.May the good lord bless you for changing people's lives.

  7. My feast day today (I'm in the UK). Feel so good for completing the first fast day. Lost 1.25kg/2.75 pounds! Got so much yummy food planned for today 🤤🤤 Had terrible sleep though, fasting insomnia is a pain I've always had to deal with. Walked 10k on my fast day.

  8. I'm in the UK so slightly ahead, didn't see there was a challenge until today however already doing adf so Im happy it's fallen into the same schedule!
    I've completed 2 weeks of adf so far and lost 10lbs already.
    If you're thinking about doing it then do it. I've been doing it while going through a break up and being an emotional eater it hasn't been easy. It's a challenge but it teaches you a lot about yourself. Good luck to everyone ❤️

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