
This ‘AI Scientist’ makes new discoveries autonomously

Sakana AI Scientist: automated open-ended science experiments #ainews #ai #agi #singularity #science Thanks to our sponsor …


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  1. 😮 someone said why are we generating images and videos regenerating images and video so the AI can learn everything about physics if an AI can make a video of water going into a cup perfectly that means a completely understands the physics of water😮 what other physics does it understand

  2. at some point AI will simply find it quicker, more efficient to collaborate with other AIs in their own undecipherable language conducted at light speed than interacting with humans

  3. Actually, most of the problems you listed are on purpose, they are guided by evil that is hiding behind incompetence. The people that want AI gods are behind us getting pushed into the AI future

  4. What happened to Devika AI? There haven't been any updates for a long time now. We shouldn't forget about the smaller tasks like writing code or writing applications.

  5. God has already put a conscience inside a machine, their called humans. Will it be possible to transfer someone's mind into a fully mechanized machine, like a car, maybe someday, if God thinks its relevant or for humans to do,

  6. Wow… AI does science. Wow… AI wash dishes… and one day you will wake up as a slave, praying in secret to SUN GOD for a solar flare to destroy all electronic circuits. And later, future generations will laugh at their ancestors who were so idiotic that they thought the sun was some kind of good god to whom they prayed, what nonsense. This story seems familiar to me. Don't you? :D

  7. Off Topic very Silly Question: its been a while since anyone made an up to date update of which Checkpoint Models can render human faces and bodies the very best in august 2024. You have seen and used so many different ones, which one is your goto model to get 100% real Photos of human beings, disregarding all cartoon stuff in this quest /question. ? is it still juggernaut or realistic or pony? Pony seems to be 10% all cartoon anime in it i saw…. what model would You use? i have tried some Loras of a Singer friend of mine with different checkpoint models. but have not found a number one photo realistic one yet… with or without Lora applied to it

  8. Still sceptical about this "intelligence explosion". AI has consistently demonstrated it's not capable of first principles thought, it's just an amazing bullshit artist.

  9. Hey man! I need to ask you this – Do you have a full-time job or do you this fulltime as it seems keeping up with all the latest and greatest trends in AI landscape must be really time-consuming and providing updates every 2-3 days should also require a lot of effort. Anyways, I like yours, Fireship and AI explained videos. Help me keep up to date with all the latest stuff in AI.

  10. It’s exciting to think about how this technology could accelerate scientific progress and help solve some of the most pressing challenges of our time. like those in platforms such as SmythOS that facilitate collaborative AI workflows.

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