
They Found Aliens Coming Out From Places That Shocked The Whole

After bazillion UFO sightings over several decades, aliens finally started making their physical appearance more out in the open. Stay tuned in to get to see aliens coming out from places that shocked the whole world.

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  1. Lame. This is a disinformation channel. I'm surprised they recreated the "REAL" Area 51 alien interview with fake ones. It proves to me more that the original was REAL. So this is either a government disinformation channel, or the content creator does zero research on anything uploaded, or the content creator is incapable of any cognitive rational thinking.

  2. A military man who is old now finally wanted to tell his story. He never told his story out of death threats from the military. He said, there were the "greys" and the "whites". The greys are shorter and the whites are tall. Both instantly put fear in you when you see them. The other men that were to guard a shack way out in the desert were all afraid of this place. They asked him if he knew about the whites and he thought they were trying to scare him. These beings are dangerous and the military has known about these things for along time and he believed came from hell.

  3. The beings in black body suits walking were secretly captured at Alamos when Harry Trueman was asked to speak with them. The craft landed and they walked across the tarmac. Photos were not allowed, but one soldier sneaked a few!

  4. That tall alien with the big head, is old footage that was taken at area 51. This being was a guard down on the sixth level where these creatures perform experiments on human and make genetic mutations.

  5. I have watched several videos of people that said they were abducted by Aliens. They all said that these creatures communicated with them telepathically. If that is true, then these one in this video, are not that smart. None of them communicated with the humans they ran across. I'm a kind of person that would see an injured creature, I would try to help it. I don't know about all these strange videos I've seen so far on You Tube, if the real. I truly have my doubts. Like Skin-walkers, rake man, wolf-man,etc. Unless I see one of them myself, I just can't believe that they exist. I watched a video, were a women claims she got pregnant by big foot and lived with them for several years. That, I totally don't believe. People that are out hiking, claim they seen big foot and that they smell horrible. Did that women cover her nose while she got what she claimed that she got pregnant by one. Right, sorry but I just can't swallow that one. I think, most of these stories are from movie scenes.

  6. Poor man running for his life. God bless brother careful alien is no mercy. As long as you don't point fun to alien you will be.okay there just want to safe like us uman protect our self😮😮😮

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