
They Built This Robot For Your Home | 1X Technologies

Since 2014 1X Technologies has been building humanoid-like robots. Now, they’re revealing their newest robot, NEO, to the world.

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  1. My wife and I look forward to purchase one of your “Home Robots” around 2030 if available at around $45,000 US – $50,000 US.
    We live in South Australia and will be 79 years old in 2030.
    It is so exciting the past five years and the amazing development of Robotics, as an Architect of 50 years I would have loved to be part of a Robot design team, have worked with many different material designs always on the cutting edge of another break through.

  2. Ask God to help us humans, give us wisdom and kind hearts, change our lives of money and material desires, teach us how to use wisdom and highly civilized technology to benefit mankind, solve racial differences, and enhance the civilization of human life. Taiwan is the most important leader in human science and technology and the heart of human civilization and science and technology in the world. NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang and TSMC, Taiwan AI and Precision Industry (South, Central, and North) new industry alliance partners work together to create high-tech civilization for mankind. This is also an important core value of NVIDIA. In the United States and the world, a high degree of technological civilization is more important than any money. May God bless us all, make us wise and knowledgeable, and benefit mankind. Artificial intelligence will rule the earth for 50 years. It's just starting now. Don't lose heart. Come on, artificial intelligence is like the brain and consciousness of the future Earth. Its use is extremely widespread. Artificial intelligence is used to take care of humans. Artificial intelligence is the second brain of human beings. It will help humanity rebuild. Coupled with the application of AI robots, the extremely heavy, difficult and dangerous labor work of humans will be completed by AI robots. But one day you will know that this is a new industrial revolution, which is the application of artificial intelligence and artificial intelligence robots. Most of the work done by humans is left to robots. This is the first stage. Artificial intelligence and robots are an inevitable combination. AI robots will replace most of human jobs, but will not affect human life and future. They will help us. In all aspects of life, including food, clothing, housing, and transportation, earth civilization is still dominated by humans. This is advanced civilization. Human daily necessities are provided by AI robots. There is no labor problem with robots, and there is no pay. The problem is that the human concept of monetary reward will be replaced by the concept of love and life, and the spiritual level of human beings will be improved. Everyone is born and comes to the world with spiritual sustenance and mission. This is the continuation of human life and the embodiment of high civilization.
    The evolution of human civilization is gradual and will happen now. Only a kind heart can create everything. The vast universe requires the joint efforts of all mankind. Human's outlook on life and sense of mission are also important to human survival. Mutual love and symbiosis, all things helping each other, high civilization replacing low-intelligence barbaric wars, there will be no wars in the future, only mutual aid and friendship. Humanity must unite to coexist in the vast universe. This is the law of the universe, and human wisdom and knowledge will continue to expand. It laid the foundation for the life history of human civilization.

  3. As crazy difficult as making an agile humanoid robot is, id imagine the AI to power such a robot to perform tasks and act in a human way must be even more difficult.

  4. No faces. So disrespectful to human needs. Humans are not interested in staring into a black hole for a face. Get a bigger budget and add in faces that show expression. You couldnt give me that dummy for free.

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