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  1. I started working at 16 been putting in the system but won’t help me. I had my children go to school and not work until later because why start early putting in a system that fails? No one will be able to rest due to autoimmune disease resulting from all the viruses.

  2. Anyone with half a brain has A;READY packed up their essentials, have the car/truck gassed up, majority of their money/cash along with a few weapons, with a flashlight and a HAM radio….PEOPLE ARE READY….but there are many who are not paying attention and will have NO IDEA when M.L. CW or WWIII and sh*** is going to blow SKY HIGH. I would like to think that when this happens, PEOPLE WILL COME TOGETHER and support each other. I really DO NOT think we are as polarized as the media says, when we get together, we BOND, it is the Politicians who are keeping us divided and THEN IT'S ON!

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