
There's an Ancient Aliens Game 👽

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There is an Ancient Aliens game. It’s chock full of kooky conspiracies for us to fact check and debunk, plus we get to be hypnotised by…


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  1. As it is a breach of common etiquette to pick your nose at a dinner party, best to first excuse yourself to the nearest laboratory with the traditional interjection: "Pardon me for I really must drop a deuce, and it just will not wait."

  2. Is it possible that is it probable would be a far more useful question than is it possible? Ancient ass-know-naught theorists say "no, that would really undermine my pseudoscience".

  3. LOL, I've never paid a single penny for any idle games. 😂 I'm just too cheap for that – I save my money for good games, like actual Switch games for example. 😁

  4. I like Ancient Aliens but not for the reason the makers probably want me to like it. I like it because they show all of these fascinating places and you get to see just how advanced past civilizations were. I do not contribute HUMAN ingenuity to aliens. Do I believe there could be aliens out there? Yes. Do I think they care about our planet? No. Why? They'd look at our planet and shake their heads at the FACT that we kill our own species…not for food but because we "want to" or because "of war". They'd be so disappointed that our planet's APEX species (us) cannot figure out how to get along and work together to make a better planet for everyone. Then again…they may be nahzeealiens for all we know.

  5. I’m scandalized by the way the game seems to suggest that brown people were incapable of building anything more complicated than mud huts without the aid of ultratech aliens…..?

  6. Leaving aside the many, many levels of insanity there are in this game, my understanding is that the pyramids are no longer believed to have been built by slave labour, but Egypt didn't have money-money at that time. So the workers weren't slaves, but also weren't "paid" as we'd understand it today, instead getting fed and housed for their work, which makes sense in a culture where the closest thing to a standard unit of currency was a mug of beer.
    So even paying workers in gold, while being the least ridiculous part of part of this game, is still complete nonsense.
    (and standard disclaimer that I'm not a historian, Egyptologist, or archaeologist, just a curious little guy who does know some actually knowledgeable people)

  7. 5:45 – Maybe it was more of an ancestral memory thing than a reincarnation thing. After so many centuries, I think it's like a Bacon number thing where everyone has an ancestor who was an alien human hybrid in ancient Egypt somewhere

  8. "Who am I to question Gary?" sounds like a great one-liner, regardless of whether or not there even is a Gary in the conversation. In point of fact, the absence of a Gary makes this declaration all the funnier.

  9. I haven't gotten far in the video but I have both Cabara Spa and Chillquarium on my Steam wishlist. And now I think I really should pick them up.

  10. so its a take on the Anunnaki Sumerian world history. the people who built the pyramids werent slaves. we have archeology that proves everyone involved participated because they all wanted to be part of the pharo's after life. most of the workers were well to do nobles.

  11. I remember liking Ancient Aliens back when I just leaving Christianity, and now I just look back and cringe. The show is just lazy thought experiments, with the answer always being 'Because Aliens.' 'How were the pyramids made?' 'Well, humans are too primitive to make [insert thing here] so the answer must be aliens.' 'Why do some humans have genetic mutations?' 'Aliens' 'Why do humans find fart jokes funny?' 'Well, because our ancient alien ancestors found them funny so we do.' Ancient Aliens feels like those crazy pastors that always try to boil every world event as either God or Satan. 'Like why are people in [insert country here] suffering?' 'Because God's punishing them for not believing in God.' Or in this case 'Why are humans so weak and awful because we're not God, and don't deserve His love.' Except the answer always is aliens did it because humans are too stupid and worthless to do anything on their own.

  12. The only blocks the Egyptians would have cared about carving perfectly would have been the limestone blocks on the outside after all those are the only ones that be visible.
    Also experiments have shown the based way to move heavy loads is to use sledges not rollers or wheels.

  13. I actually played this on my phone probably about ten years ago, and I don't remember any of the Giorgio crap even though everything else was exactly like this. Did someone remake it and dress it up with the History Channel trappings, or am I misremembering? Because I'm sure I'd remember Captain Crazywig.

  14. In case you’re wondering if ancient aliens believes all monsters including the Minotaur are alien genetic experiments. The answer unfortunately is yes.

  15. Interesting fact: There isn't any archaeological or anthropological evidence that the Jewish people were ever enslaved on a mass scale in Egypt. It's a tough thing to bring up because it can make religious folks very upset and easily seem like Anti-Semitism.

    But just like Adam, Eve, and Noah never existed (and there was no flood, no Tower of Babel, etc), there was likely no Moses or Exodus irl. They're just stories to explain how the Hebrews got to where they ended up, in order to argue ownership of some land through divine decree.

  16. Pyramids were not build by slaves. They were paid workers/laborers, probably 'slave wages' though. Built during the flooding when they couldn't work on fields(and when transporting material via Nile was easier anyway).

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