
The Terrible Simpsons Predictions for 2024

The Terrible Simpsons Predictions for 2024 The Simpsons is one of the most popular and controversial shows in the US. However …


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  1. A vid posted here on YT 4 years ago showed a headless body sauntering aimlessly along a street, probably in
    Haiti. A form of a zombie?🫣🫣🫣🤔🤔

  2. Tesla, Solar, Hydrogen and the ability to turn grass into gas or hemp seed oil etc. etc.etc. Boy's from Brazil! And there are those blending species that are not easily controlled and are already killing people in National Parks where folks and families have been going to the same spot for 30 years will no longer set foot in the Parks!!!!

  3. We've had budget issues since we trashed the gold standard and the silver standard for paper controlled by the Fed. Res. and we are only supposed to pay taxes after all our expenses of life are taken care of, only the rich make true "income" as defined in the I.R.C. from the I.R.S. and our routing number on the back of our S.S. card is to our bank account in one of the Fed. Res. banks to pay bills, water, electric, and all kinds of things that we need to function in life and when they entered it into a computer and cracked the code the author of 'Cracking the Code' the strange and fascinating truth about the internal revenue code and put his wife in prison for 2 months until the Supreme Court overruled it and set her free….he is an ex-Marine and a true patriot as we have been taken for 100's of trillions of $$$ from We the People who are being targeted by the things created with our tax money…..taxation without representation or transparency!!!!!

  4. 10 años antes de aparecer habían predicciones para el COVID del 2020 ,, años amtes del 11 s predecían el 11 s lugo del asesinato de Coopr ( le volaron la cabeza ) , es decir ¿ realmente son profecías o aquellos que manejan los medios hacen las ' profecías ? , tienen la costumbre de hacer lo que dijo Goebbels " mentir , mentir hasta que su mentira es verdad "

  5. Återigen. Vilka politiker /makthavare är inte frimurare????????. Att ta reda på vad som är sant här är i princip omöjligt. Då frimureriet är en sekt. Den som avviker även det minsta lilla råkar mycket illa ut.

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