
The Real Reason Robots Shouldn’t Look Like Humans

The robots of our future may look nothing like humans at all. Head to to start your free 30-day trial and get 20% off an annual premium subscription.

Huge thanks to Dr. Elliot Hawkes for giving us the updates on his robots, and for showing them to us over the years!

Our videos in this supercut:

0:00 – Intro
2:04 – Unstoppable Vine Robot
15:13 – Update on Vine Robot!
20:24 – Highest Jumping Robot
32:15 – Update on the Jumper!
38:26 – Micromouse Competition
1:02:15 – Benefit of non-humanoid robots
1:02:48 – Brilliant
1:04:24 – Bendy Machines
1:16:26 – Soft Robots
1:25:55 – Conclusion

Special thanks to our Patreon supporters! Join the community to help us keep our videos free, forever:

Adam Foreman, Anton Ragin, Balkrishna Heroor, Bertrand Serlet, Bill Linder, Blake Byers, Bruce, Burt Humburg, Dave Kircher, David Johnston, Evgeny Skvortsov, Garrett Mueller, Gnare, gpoly, I. H., John H. Austin, Jr., john kiehl, Josh Hibschman, Juan Benet, KeyWestr, Kyi, Lee Redden, Marinus Kuivenhoven, Matthias Wrobel, Meekay, meg noah, Michael Krugman, Orlando Bassotto, Paul Peijzel, Richard Sundvall, Tj Steyn, TTST, Ubiquity Ventures, wolfee, and Yar

If you’re looking for a molecular modeling kit, try Snatoms, a kit I invented where the atoms snap together magnetically –

Images & Video:
All New Atlas via Boston Dynamics on YouTube –
Farewell to HD Atlas via Boston Dynamics on YouTube –
C-3PO via Cinemax on YouTube –
I, Robot via Movieclips on YouTube –
I, Robot No via ukery on YouTube –
Big Hero 6 via Flick Society on YouTube –
Big Hero 6 via 茶茶君 on YouTube –
Roomba via iRobot on YouTube –

Filmed by Derek Muller
Edited by Trenton Oliver and Peter Nelson
Produced by Emily Zhang, Gregor Čavlović, Rob Beasley Spence, and Emily Taylor
Thumbnail contributions by Ignat Berbeci, Ren Hurley, and Peter Sheppard
Additional video/photos supplied by Getty Images
Music from Epidemic Sound


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  1. An specialized robot is a key that can open only 1 or 2 door very well.

    A humanoid is a key that works to open every door it watches.

    Why? Because Powerful Brains are Expensive. A family will be able to pay for 1 to 3 powerful AI brains, and those powerful brains must be on the most versatile hardware, the humanoid.

  2. So at the time I'm writing this the title of this video is "The Real Reason Robots Shouldn't Look Like Humans". And I sat there for like 3 minutes trying to think of fake reasons robots shouldnt look like humans but I couldnt think of any. So we're probably ok

  3. Humans are capable of everything we put our minds to, but even we devote ourselves to what we're best at. You don't need an all in one capable robot. They would have to be more capable/intelligent than any humans. Not a good combination. And just unnecessary. If it's for factory work, they design machines that do the specific job. Like a machine that pumps out donuts. You don't need cyborgs doing it inefficiently by hand. Even they would know making a specific machine for it would be more efficient. The only real use i can imagine for humanoid robots would be as soldiers. Like how sometimes they send a drone into a house to see if it's safe or around some corner to neutralize a threat. And they could of course use VR to control such robots themselves, you wouldn't need A.I. involved. Like how they use VR with flying drones now too.

  4. How stupid.. And I’m willing to bet it cost an arm and a leg.. It’s not to help people out.. it is 2 get rich..
    Ok and wearing a mask outside??
    Nope these are stupid people. Case closed!!

  5. um, not to sound like a dingleberry, but what is the terrain underneath the puzzle, can we just turn on a magnet beneath? Are we allowed to have a dual racer thing on the flip side of the board?

  6. By combining the jumping robot and the anchor robot they're working on, we've never been closer to an actual functional grappling hook! Or if they scale it up 10x, someone with massive amounts of bravery and little regard for their own life could potentially ride it up to the top of a building!

  7. Wow, from the title I was expecting a philosophical discussion on the "uncanny valley" effect. Nope, we ended up with a cool practical video about engineering decisions.

  8. I don't trust any robot until it's in a form I can purchase while unable to look anyone at the store in the eye and hide in my house, desperately hoping none of my friends or family ever know I purchased it.

  9. 21:45 Wrong. Only so much energy can exerted by muscles in a given time. If you use muscles directly only a small percentage of the total muscle power can be used. That is why we use bows, as we can store power in the box, than we could exert on the arrow by throwing. Most animals use that too. They lock their joint into place and store the energy in the tendon. Then release it. Kangaroos also store power in their tendon. The one from landing a jump. Then they add their muscle power to it.

    21:13 "No mass can be lost" So nothing can participate? Aside from that oil evaporates metal rubbing against metal grinds off a tiny but. There is also the thing that even a full capacitor is heavier than an empty one. As the energy stored has mass. (unmeasurably tiny, but still)
    That is even more true for batteries. Unless you use zinc-air batteries. Yes, total mass still reduces. But that is if you also factor in the oxygen. But that is factually added to the mass of the robot.

  10. Amazing information! I feel so grateful to live in an age of such freely available knowledge. Thank you so much for sharing this, I am going to use the idea with the thruster compliant mechanism in a humanoid robot to control joint movement.

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