
The Proof Is Out There: Top 4 UFOs Spotted Flying in American Air

Shocking eyewitness accounts of UFOs spotted in the U.S.

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  1. Not that I'm overly invested in that first one, but camera adjusting to lighting would have affected the whole image. The flash is only in the sky and bright enough to compete with daylight. It's not "plain contrails"

  2. Have any of you thought the reason the aliens do not reveal themselves to us is cuss we are the most dangerous species in the universe and they are so afraid that if we get a scent of their tech we will destroy them once we incorporate it into our arsenal?f

  3. I live in Milwaukee and I saw these same objects those ain’t no light pointers or Christmas lights !I know what I saw have it on video the objects flew across the night sky slowly until they disappeared

  4. There's already 80 years of evidence and study pointing to the reality of this phenomenon—abductee testimonies, military reports, sightings of crafts by millions worldwide… Less discussed or understood are the questions regarding what it means, why it's happening and what we need to do about it. The books that finally put this into perspective for me were the Allies of Humanity Briefings—they are like the big puzzle pieces, without which we cannot fill in the rest of the puzzle. Check it out, they're free online.

  5. Meaning during conflict against those aliens as example of if only, if a UFO such as that lands on ground expect numerous aliens fighters because inside of that is very large as large as a football stadium, a wonder of science.

  6. I AM ABOUT SICK OF THIS SHOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU NEED TO SHOW REAL UAP OR GIVE IT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO NOT HAVE TIME FOR ALL OTHER NONSENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!JAMES J DEVITO III ;GENERAL DYNAMICS,ELECTRONICS DIVISION

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