
The Offspring Explained – Alien Romulus Ending Engineer Human

The Offspring Explained – Alien Romulus Ending Engineer Human Hybrid Those wanting to become a patron …


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  1. Now for Alien Awakening where we can see the engineers trying to hunt down David. Maybe they will chase him down to Acheron/LV-426, and Daniels ends up the host for the alien queen from Aliens. 🤔???

  2. this movie was good.. BUT it's back to the same old formula… run, chase , explosions. there's no DEEP Thought, Provocative ideas, twists, unpredictable that we saw in PROMETHEUS and COVENANT. those were masterpieces. but b/c some people didn't understand them they Review Bombed the shit out of them and we're stuck with mindless action movies again. and by the way… if this movie is so good why does the dude stand in front of the xeno egg on the wall and get killed. Girl is yelling at him to run too. If we're gonna nitpick, which I don' do, but this is the same sort of dumb argument people made against PROM/COV but are ok with ROMULUS. I think people are hyper negative, net trollz, and when they don't understand something thru lack of research and/or critical thinking skills they decide it's not them it must be the movie so they HATE on it.

  3. I'm not a fan of the whole black goo thing. I was kind of hoping that they would drop that storyline after covenant but instead they've decided to doubled down on it. They're meant to be aliens, instead they've turned the aliens into an engineered by-product. I don't like that at all, they're ruining the franchise with this.

  4. So BASICALLY, if WE used the “alien” genes to create this humanoid THING, and because these beings can accelerate growth (including intelligence), perhaps …. These beings evolve to become engineers!

    We CREATED the engineers???? Who would eventually get away from us and establish their home ELSEWHERE?? And perhaps… these engineers (like in Prometheus/Covenant) try to enhance themselves so much that they evolve to become … Predators, like the Predators are won’t to do 😀

  5. I’m sorry but I wasn’t a fan of this movie… it just didn’t feel like and alien movie imo…

    An the weird hybrid thing at the end? Huh?

    How is that suppose to be an engineer when the engineers supposedly created humans… it’s just a Hot mess imo

  6. Absolutely loved Romulus. In my opinion the movie wouldn't have lost anything without the "offspring" but I appreciate the attempt to integrate elements of Prometheus and Covenant

  7. I think so many people misunderstand Prometheus. Everyone has been thrown off by the whole space Jesus thing and believing the black goo is a weapon. That was a misinformation pysop and if you don't believe that consider that Lindelof was the writer and that kind of misleading misinformation campaign was standard practice for him and J.J Abramams.

    My reading is that humans are an intermediary step in the Engineer lifecycle, and some how introducing the black goo is the next stage in that lifecycle. The offspring seems to confirm this.

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