
The Latest Discovery of the James Webb Telescope Could Destroy the Universe!

#discord #destroy #universe

The Latest Discovery of the James Webb Telescope Could Destroy the Universe!


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  1. Nice CGI – seems the same as decades ago. Any real "pictures" to share. lol. I am for sure shaking in my boots; of something being destroyed, that never was. Strength! GODspeed!

  2. If there was a mass condensed into a fine point sitting in the middle of nothing, then why did it decide to explode? Why wouldn't it remain there forever since it was unaffected with nothing around it? Then again, why was it there in the first place. It arose from nothingness? This whole theory is dumb upon dumb.

  3. The big bang, Once upon a time, nothing was in a place where nothing was. Nothing happened, but suddenly nothing exploded, and in a split second. billions of billions of things exploded out of nothing. seems legit

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