
The Johns Hopkins 2015 Community Science Fair

On May 28, 39 students from Baltimore City elementary schools descended on Johns Hopkins for the 2015 Science Fair. The fifth …
different of the projects are as diverse
as the students making them on May 28th
39 students from Baltimore City
Elementary Schools descended on John’s
Hopkins for their 2015 science fair it’s
important because it allows the students
to um understand everything that they
need to understand to get a jump start
in science from parachutes to action
figures students use their creativity to
make discoveries in the world of science
the judges listen closely to each
student’s unique perspective you can see
here that there’s mostly red and red is
kinetic energy and kinetic energy is
really po very popular because we use it
every day projects ranged from the study
of energy to the effects of food on the
human body the projects about um like um
the effect of spicy or minty food on the
on the temperature of your mouth well
the hardest part for me was kind of the
onion cuz it made my throat dry it’s a
sense of accomplishment achievement um
achievement for the kids knowing that
they’ve worked on the project for six
long months and now it’s coming to the
end and it’s going to be judged these
fifth and sixth graders will receive
participation trophies and the top three
projects earn prizes for their schools
but the real reward is what lies ahead
so they’re excited I’m excited for them
you know knowing that this may be the
Catalyst for the next Nobel Prize winner
another sign that when John Hopkins
teams up with Baltimore’s youth the sky
is the limit


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