
The Garden of Eden Has FINALLY Been Found And It’s Not What You Expect

The Garden of Eden Has FINALLY Been Found And It’s Not What You Expect Throughout history, the Garden of Eden has …


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  1. Eve wasn't Adam's 1st wife there were people living outside the garden of Eden There is mention of them in the bible . And the garden of eden could have been a laboratory Adam & Eve test subjects having their DNA altered. First modern humans not 1st man & woman

  2. Deeply in my heart I know Jehovah is this but my people have betrayed us in fact I can't believe what I hear anymore because every day it's a new story it's been so long everything has been altered but I still believe what my heart tells me.

  3. Beautiful Ending.
    Thanks for all this information
    Life is a journey someone said.
    Many blessings on your way may you be lucky loved healed and saved

  4. has anyone serioulsy gave any thought on continental drift and how the land moves everythings true but the location may be different because continents being connected then where our known continental fragments sit are undeniably in different places older the story the less likely well find it easily because our understanding of the bible and edens location will always be moving the more time that passes

  5. 🏖️🏖️🏖️🏖️🏖️🏖️🏖️🏖️🏖️🏖️🏖️🏖️🏖️🏖️🏖️Please 🙏🏻pray for salvation for Chris, Pete and Nick who no longer believes in Jesus 😢

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