
The Future of Medicine: How Energy, Fascia & Intuition Shape Healing

Join us on an enlightening journey as we explore the future of medicine and how energy, fascia, and intuition are shaping the …


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  1. Some people have asked for information on the books mentioned in this podcast: in no particular order Carol Davis and I refer to Carol's book Patient Practitioner Manual; my newest book Myofascial Magic in Action and the chapter written by Helen Eadie, referencing Ian McGilchrist's work, James Oschmann Energy Medicine. Another book referred to is The Journey of the Universe by Brian Swimme and Mary Evelyne Tucker, The Rainbow and the Worm by Mae Wan Ho, Gerald Pollack (e.g. Cells Gels and the Engines of Life), Valerie Hunt (e.g. Infinite Mind, the science of human vibration), Donald Ingber (1998 paper in Scientific American on Tensegrity) Jean-Claude Guimberteau, John Sharkey and others mentioned in the podcast. (See chapters) – Hope that helps answer emails! 🙏

  2. What a relief to hear this conversation. I agree with and resonate so much with this. Carl Jung and I share the same birthday, and his energy has penetrated my life and awakened me to so much truth. I was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease and Ehler's Danlos syndrome at age 50. That was after 35 years of seeking medical attention or answers that cost me thousands of dollars and copious time from my life. I've undergone so many "therapies" and surgeries to eliminate the pain I've experienced my whole life. I even have an electronic stimulator device implanted in my spine! It doesn't work. I'm 59 years young and 3 years ago, I STOPPED going to doctors. I stopped taking pills. I have been so grateful for the knowledge that has unfolded through my intuitive seeking. The veil is falling, and you ladies are helping to clear the vision on the lies we've been told. Thank you for being brave and for sharing as you still can on this platform. Your conversation is so insightful here. I will share it with others.

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