
The Creepiest TikTok’s on YouTube: Disturbing Discoveries #tiktok #bannedtiktok

Welcome to a spine-chilling journey into the darkest realms of TikTok! Get ready to be captivated and chilled as we uncover the creepiest videos, unveiling spine-tingling and unsettling discoveries. Join us for an intriguing yet disturbing adventure that will keep you on the edge of your seat! Don’t miss out – hit that like button, subscribe for more, and explore our TikTok Playlist and Videos Homepage for additional episodes.

Thanks for tuning in, and have a Great FreeKin Weekend!! ✌️🫶😬


– BryceIsRite


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  1. 33:58 11am Australia, so?
    Reminds me of a man who said that "You can't see the Moon during the day, you can only see it at night".
    Well what's that then? Pointing to the Moon (at 3pm).
    I also had a fantastic sight at Sunset, with an orange full Moon on the other horizon, at Stonehenge! (Grey to orange sky).

  2. The first silicon chips were created by taking a picture of a circuit board then shrinknig the pics and super imposing the pics onto silicon conductors…yet still you cant give fallen man the credit for such brilliance can you ??? Now wht may fascinate some is the dawn of the carbon chip conductor which is more sufficient and the purest form of carbon is said to be melanin…???…that type of carbon "footprint" may hold some memory from the host it was harvested from…so you human neurons and melanated computer chips…no wonder at the sufficiency of ai and robots…the souls of men ???

  3. dude that doesnt understand how silicone is doped chemically to etch semiconductors at the microscopic level shows how stupid people are, good vids though…, but lots of dumbs in the world….

  4. As I am an Asperger, my mind consists of strict algorythms. Everything I do is scripted in my brain's OS. To such degree, that I often commit bugs and mistakes typical for early robots, such as thinking hangups (whole body and brain neurocells stop working for few seconds), muscle hangups ( I want to move my hand but I must wait for its reaction), I lose access to memories and database temporarily ( I cannot recall a word one time, I know it the other time), when I try to do two things simultaneously I experience hangups of one process with complete short-term memory loss, etc 🤖💾📟 (edit) That's why I think we truly live in simulation, as some of us are more programs than humans 😢

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