
The connection between caloric restriction and lifespan | Peter Attia and Steve Austad

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  1. More useless Attia advice: Let's all starve ourselves and be miserable from age 40-75 — an age range when we can really enjoy ourselves — so we can languish around like feeble vegetables from age 76-96. Idiotic! Just eat healthily, live with gusto, and accept the lifespan nature has in store for you!

  2. So hilarious bc all the healthy 90 something’s I know do not restrict calories. They eat real food and eat well. Yes obesity is a health issue but why make things miserable ( except for the ONAD crowd who love trying to feel superior 😂)

  3. I've decided I don't want to live old and end up in a nursing home being abused by some lowly paid psychopath with suppressed anger or fetishes. I think 90 is good and I'm done. the world has gone to hell anyway. I'm not a mealworm… and I'm already on 1200 calories a day and that's hard. so I'm good.

  4. My weekly ~40 hour water only fast (Sunday night > Tuesday noon) is a great "reset" for remaining metabolically flexible, increasing insulin sensitivity & overall health (autophagy)/longevity.

    I have done this for ~20 years so it has become a foundation for my life… and now I am learning (from videos like this) the science behind why this is a beneficial thing to do.

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