
The Brain Surgery That Proved Free Will Doesn’t Exist!

We explore the fascinating discoveries of split-brain research and its implications on consciousness, free will, and identity.


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  1. So this takes an idea and with no reason equates it to a strange conclusion… Just because you're not aware where your thought came from If it still came from within you then it is still your will. This entire video equates you with the sense of I it is incredibly focused on the ego as the only self

  2. Philosophers have known we don't have free will for thousands of years. It is the logical conclusion.

    WHY did i think this? WHY did i do that? WHY is this my favourite colour? Etc.

    The conscious mind is just the tip of the Freudian Iceberg.

  3. This surgery did not prove free will does not exist.

    It is both idiotic and dangerous to be preaching that free will does not exist.

    It is idiotic because if you have no free will then you are not making any decisions which means you are not intelligent which means you are not thinking which means you are not aware of anything because yo be aware of something you have to be intelligently able to make decisions over what you are aware of.

    It is dangerous because some small but significant fraction of people will use this INCORRECT idea that "humans have no free will" in order to commit crimes against other people that they otherwise would not commit, using the excuse that they had no choice because they do not have any free will.

    Just because exactly how our minds work is strange to us, does not alter the fact we have free will.

    Just because a human brain/mind is a swarm intelligence, does not remove the fact that for a human individual their WHOLE human brain/mind is them.

    Just because the qualia of self-awareness is an illusionary virtual reality which includes everything our self-aware conscious mind is aware of, including emotions and memories, that qualia of self-awareness is NOT our self-aware conscious mind, that does not remove the fact we are our whole brain/mind.

    Just because our self-aware conscious mind is a swarm intelligence which is a subset of our whole swarm mind and our qualia of self-awareness is not conscious of the vast majority of our self-aware conscious mind, that does not remove the fact we are our whole brain/mind, not our qualia of self-awareness and not just our self-aware conscious mind.

  4. Your soul is controlling you, and can do better so when you quiet the mind and listen to the subconscious and follow its ideas. Your true soul is so much larger than just you here on earth. You are only one aspect of your soul much like how each octopus tentacle has its own brain. Your soul is controlling many other beings at the same time. The human is just a radio picking up the signal, its still "You" sending the signal but a much larger you in the multidimensional universe.

  5. In time everything is measured and decays, being trapped in The Time Prison of the material plane, we have no free will, but we do have Co-Free Will in the material plane, if we can make it happen, it can happen,

    In Spirit we have free will ❤ it's how we unlock our inner energy to give this vessel life, having Co-Free Will ❤

  6. Free will doesn't exist from the perspective of the human mind. Experienced meditators understand the concept of "watching thoughts" or observing the mind. It is the observer—the one who watches the mind—that possesses free will. While the body and mind perish, the observer remains beyond them.

  7. IT MADE SENSE TO ME! Now I consider head injuries "concussion" or infection that consciousness may have to cope with while conducting activities and interactions. Our processes of being takes different routes. Conclusions emerge in ones own way. Coherence within unit/ department similar scenario.

  8. If reincarnation is viewed as a valid life trajectory option it could possibly make huge sence. One hemisphere dominated by the reincarnated aspect and identity could explain one (double) personality type, while the other hemisphere the other. The reincarnated "soul" accessing the other / "older" and the "new incarnation" engaging the rest of the life being lived. Consciousness is infinite and therefore possibly very well able to engage the lives of 2 into 1 without much fuss or interference…. unless, of course, the brain is split surgically.

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