
South China set to be world biotech hub: UK scientist

I went to a biotech conference. A Chinese firm is making “humanized mice” who grow at accelerated speed, while another has developed a test to give humans a 720-day warning that they’ll have a heart attack.
It was really interesting. Sir Jonathan Symonds, chair of GSK, said the Greater Bay Area of south China has unique advantages that mean it is set to be a biotech hub for the whole world. Watch out!


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  1. No to the humanized mice. I don't care if they help humans, it's not right. Animals are not scientific property, and certainly not human toys.
    Treating them this way is sick. It even makes me feel physically nauseous; that, more than any sermonizing, tells me it's wrong.
    Intellectually justifying an action doesn't make it right. Not only does this monstrous experiment do nothing to advance human consciousness; it actually retards it. Otherwise, well done South China 🏆

  2. 3:04. Prevention IS better than cure. HOWEVER Healthcare is a component of humanity that should not be concerned with profit. EVERY Human deserves Healtcare. This is where states like The U.S and China can improve. Money as the motivator to innovation is a both a lie and a crutch on humanity. Stop it.

  3. Biotech does not exist in a vacuum. Look at all the advanced medical equipment in every video clip; that comes from the engineering prowess that has been built up in Shenzhen. And, as Nury mentions, the finance expertise provided by Hong Kong is very important for biotech firms and research projects. You can't have cutting edge innovation without all the supporting technologies and expertise, and the Greater Bay Area is a remarkable concentration of these.

  4. I do not want, need or desire anything from Communist China Thanks 😊 ❤ mainly and simply because I am a Natural Energy Healer and I am able to heal myself as I already have with my own Spiritual Family 🌟 ❤ 🙏 ❤️ 🌟 and my Most High ♥️ DIVINELY 🌟 Graciously Loving ❤️ GOD ❤ 🌟 🙏 🌟 ❤️ Thank you 🌟 ❤️ AMEN ❤️ 🙏 💖 ♥️ 💙 🌟 💚 ✌️ ☮️ 🕊 🏳️‍ ❤️ 💙 💜 🧡 💚 🌎 😇 STARSEED 🌟 ❤️ ✌️ ⚖️ 💪 🎖 ❤️ 🌟 Have a Nice Day 😀 💖 ❤️ 💙 ♥️ 💕 😀 ❤️ 🌟 🙏 🌟 ❤️ 🎉 🎉 🎉

  5. But the problem is we live to long surely ? Look at the burden on the young our aged are having already . Life is for the living not those that have had their time and are trying to hang on forever, forever robbing the new of a future .

  6. This is awesome… I've foreseen this along with Shenzhen being Asia's "Silicon Valley" since the 80's…. The GBA will become the largest and most dynamic region of not of just China but OF THE WORLD…. And by 2050, from Hainan, Guangdong, Fujian, Taiwan and up to Shanghai, will become the nucleus of the world and all things…. Exciting future! I probably won't last past 2030, but at least I'll see maybe half of this epicenter evolved.

  7. China is now far ahead of the US n its G7 n EU vassal states in many important fields of technologies n this is the main reason for their antogonism towards China n using every form of criminal tactics to try n slow its phenomenal progress

  8. Partnership, please think over and over again .
    The recent collaboration on science and technology, these Americans are turning theirs back , accusing China of stealing their research papers.

  9. Congress in the US want to stop China’s biotech industry. Not possible. The next thing they want to do is stop collaboration between the west and China over finding cures for diseases and cancer. Nothing to do with the military field and war. Hopefully the rest of the west except for anglo Saxon countries will ignore this. The excuse from the US is they want to combat communism. However China stop funding communist insurgent groups in the world from the early 80’s. The country that is pushing other countries to adopt their system of government is the US. So this is a thinly veiled excuse to cover up racial prejudice and an inability to accept that other races can do just as well if not better than the Anglo saxons. I hope the rest of the world will open their eyes and realise this. Africa, South America and the Middle East are realising this. The struggle for acceptance of a multipolar world is not for the Chinese only but also for the other non Anglo Saxon races that are discriminated against and deprived of a voice.

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