Solar Energy

Solarrolla Napkin Series 5 – Solar-Powered Fully Electric Campers!

The Solarrolla eStar is the most powerful solar electric vehicle you can buy. With up to 200 miles of range and the ability to harvest …


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  1. I just calculated and planned a lot with a little AI support (using tech data of available small lightweighted EV Micro vans in Europe) and my results are:

    Power on the roof (at charging pause) should be about the same as power consumed when riding, or better even a little bit more. Something around 10.000-12.000w should fit.

    Charging power while driving – fron fixed panels on top into a second smaller battery – should of course be as big as possible, 2000-3000w would be nice. That could ad up to 10kwh of additional energy while driving.

    That means: Main battery is as small as possible (usefull for a 3-4h drive, about 250-320km distance ) and vehicle, solar panels, battery etc. are as lightweighted as possible.

    On a long summer day I want to travel 450-600km per day, with travelling speed of 75-80km/h.

    Therefore each travelling day is divided into 4 or 6 parts – 2 or 3 times driving and 2 or 3 times charging (and in the meantime recreation, eating, drinking, planning, hiking, sightseeing or even doing work).

    As sun is less powerfull in the morning and also in the evening it might be useful not to charge but to drive then – using part of the battery in the evening and the second part in the following morning.

    With daylight from 7 am to 9 pm
    a typical day on the road could be like this

    7-10 driving
    10-14 charging
    14-16 driving
    16-20 charging
    20-21 driving

    I want to be able to get to almost every region of the continent in one week or less.

  2. Excellent work, I was surprised by the 1kWh/mile you experienced, that's 4 times my model 3 average (70% highway), even considering weight and drag, it seems too high…

  3. I might have missed it, but does it have high speed DC charging. On longer trips that you want to save time, it would be nice to have. I could see parking this by your house, plugging it to your house, and use it as your solar and battery back up.

  4. I think you should steal my idea of mounting the solar panels on a rotating mount so you won't have to worry about parking the right way. Make a quick release to spin as needed. Keep the tilting also and try and make it track the sun, so you font have to worry about it as much. I would love to build my own bicycle sized camper to live in.

  5. That square, flat back has to suck. Maybe have a tapered garage and/or bath module. I have been imagining a lowerable top to decrease wind resistance. What an exciting project – wish I lived near you.

  6. I've been dreaming about a vehicle like that for a very long time. Total freedom. I love it! I do not understand why they aren't everywhere yet. So good job! But does it come with a charger? If you want to drive a little further, you should be able to charge them from the grid as well. And how big is the battery? How many days of energy can they hold? Because I'm sure people won't be traveling every day. Longer charge time, more distance.

  7. Love it. Just completed a Nissan eNV200 camper and taking off to Europe in it tomorrow. Solar and a larger pack are the next step. I've seen these vans in the UK at GoinGreen near London years back and always thought they'd make great recreational vehicles once the internals were swapped out, I seem to remember they were UPS trucks perhaps? I'd imagine you could pick one up for next to nothing now…

  8. subbed. In Florida I drive a very low budget self converted micro camper sleeper with a giant solar panel on my roof that covers custom ventilation. Able to run air con over night and refrigeration 24×7. For me it's a great stealthy solo road warrior machine. videos on channel.

  9. If both extending roof solar panels were to slide out from the same side you would have a much bigger awning. Unless the panels are directly facing the sun there's no advantage in them tilting. Imo.

  10. Good stuff, your concept and vision.

    Getting help from Tesla with your Model Y……they know you are using the Model 3 batteries for a project. They are not interested for your success. They don't want you to know more than you already know. You will never be a priority in the service department for your personal vehicle.

    My opinion, you need a better shell, proven battery, higher efficiency motor/drivetrain.

    Aerodynamics is the key. Your front end is too large. The rear end too flat. There is a better shell out there, if you can change.

    Changing to BYD battery might provide less battery expense, add reliability, and purchase new. Good thinking!

    Have you considered less solar panels, use a sun tracking panel base?

    Can the next/previous vehicles, use standard commercial charging?

    Drivetrain efficiency, horsepower need not be huge with the torque of the motor.
    What is your 0-60 MPH, and top speed?

    Did you consider using a Model S/X front drive unit?

  11. What a shame these were only and poorly produced for 3 years, 10-14 years ago because they look brand new today… Had Tesla bought them or copied them we'd have WAY more e-trucks of all sizes on the road today…

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