
so i submitted this video for a school project…

this was possibly a mistake. oh well
hello everybody
i’m bob gloss mob boss and today i’m
going to be teaching you how to paint
a portrait
today though for the sake of this
example we’re going to be painting my
ex-wife darlene keyword is
x so ladies out there i’m
free anyways we’re gonna start out with
a nice blue background like the sky
because well the sky’s the limit
you can be anything you’re going to want
to take your
phthalo blue and titanium white and
combine them on your canvas
once your baby blue background’s on the
canvas you got to let it dry before you
can make up your portrait
in the meantime let’s clean up our
it’s important that you beat the dickens
out of your brush
to get it clean great great great now
that the background is
dry we can get into painting our
before we proceed it’s important to
some titanium white and some castle
you want to start out by drawing an egg
like shape
you can do any skin tone you want but i
went with very pale since
darlene was like a vampire the way she
sucked the life out of me
after that you do some eyes
i tried to make hers as soulless as
possible but you can do them however you
hair and finally
mouth and you got a portrait that
looks like darlene


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  1. Thanks Youtube for this fantastic recommendation. i've never seen such a beautiful portrait before, the smile is captivating!

    "He is a loathsome, offensive brute. Yet I can't look away… He transcends time and space!!"

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