
Smartest Orangutan uses medicine to self-heal #science

Did Rakus know exactly the medical properties of this specific yellow root plant? But, how did an orangutan know that it is …


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  1. Did Rakus know exactly the medical properties of this specific yellow root plant? But, how did an orangutan know that it is anti-inflammatory and pain-killing?

  2. Vt. I know this is an educational channel, but is there any possibility of you making a 'Get to know me' kind of video and talk about your education and anything else you'd like? That'd be cool!

  3. No, he just happened to pick the right leaf out of thousands of species of plant and then just happened to chew it to release certain compounds and then just happens to apply it to the wound. He knew exactly what he was doing, orangutan are smart af.

  4. Just like amazon tribes , when asked how they knew how to tell plant medicines apart and find specific ones for each use.. " The plants told us " was their answer.
    How does a creature with no abstract language or scientific ideas of compounds and drugs, choose the correct leaf in the forest, to heal itself ?
    90% of those leaves would of made it worse.

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