
Slavery, Menstruation, and the Birth of American Gynecology | HISTORY OF PERIODS (Part 4)

Slave women in Antebellum America probably didn’t have an easy time when they were on their periods. However, their …


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  1. I love this video. The Black maternal health crisis is a mess. There are disparities ALL over the world and though racial systems are different in each country, the outcome of Black birthing people having a higher likelihood of maternal death is horrifying. It is very important to educate ourselves on the DEEP history of this topic. We must keep fighting and educating ourselves of this cause!

  2. I’m a college student who listens to history lectures and videos in her free time. I’m so happy YouTube recommended you to me. What a wonderful video! This is a very important subject to talk about! I’m your proud 80th subscriber!

  3. This is an exceptionally well done video.

    The topic, your research, image selection and collection, editing, sound quality and your delivery are top notch. Well done. I learned so much. Your parents must be proud ❤

    I’m curious about your accent. I cannot place it. Where is it from?

    I’m Canadian born and sound very Canadian. Here and in America the ‘u’ In Menstruation is silent.

  4. wow new subscriber! love the attention to detail, the tone of the message and the overall topic (in my gathered opinion half way through) of how even today there are lasting effects from slavery and doctor patient nonconsensual dynamics.

    recently finished the book called the healers daughter by charlotte hinger that was a discard book at the local library and it opened my eyes to things about americans history that i never had thought of, digested.
    thanks so much for this content 🤍 be well

  5. I had this wishful notion that due to malnutrition, trauma, and hard labor, enslaved women everywhere, and people living in similar conditions more generally, would have light, irregular periods. I guess that's only wishful thinking. There are also accounts of slave owners refusing to provide their slaves with soap for personal use. The indignity, illness and physical discomfort women experience is the stuff of nightmares.

  6. Here are some black women who have opened up about their experience with periods, pregnancy, and other gynecological matters:

    1) Daye Covington’s YouTube video about her experience with uterine fibroids:

    2) Elianedjema’s YouTube video about her experience with fibroid degeneration (death):

    3) Shanicia Boswell’s book about being pregnant while black (“Oh Sis, You’re Pregnant!: The Ultimate Guide to Black Pregnancy and Motherhood”):

    Boswell also talks about motherhood and puberty on her website ( and her Instagram (

    4) No More Secrets Mind Body Spirit Inc. is an organization run by Lynette Medley and Nya McGlone dedicated to addressing the lack of access to menstrual products (period poverty) among underprivileged and black communities:

    5) Resilient Sisterhood Project is an organization dedicated to reproductive education and justice for the black community:

    6) Alexis Grant-Panting talks about her experience giving birth as a black woman during the pandemic :

    7) Samantha Bee’s YouTube video about giving birth while black:

    8) An NBC News article where black mothers talk about their daughters’ experiences with early menstruation:

    9) The Birthright Podcast hosted by Kimberly Seals Allers focuses on the joy of the birthing experience for black women:

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