Solar Energy

Should You Really Use Solar Panels?

We compare some solar panels and our solar water heater to see which is optimal.

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  1. Great video! I think maintenance should also be taken into account, I would like to hear your thoughts having both systems on this. For example has the silicone/sealant held up in the sun, and the wood or other parts of the system etc

  2. You couldn't do this small scale but it would be interesting to see a difference with using the PV with a heatpump water heater. I think that might bring it close enough whate the benefits of being able to use more of your land space for PV. That's my current limitation I jave very little usable space where I can align panels due south, our garage roof is oriented SE and the house roofline is to the west on perpendicular to the garage.

  3. I have a 9.6 Kw peak grid tied pv system to replace some of my electrical load and a solar water heating system to replace some of the propane gas fuel cost. Both systems do not replace all of my energy loads, but, they definitely do help. I am located 30 degrees north of the equator in north America and we get a LOT of sun most of the year. Might as well use it, as it would otherwise just heat the roof of the house. The solar water system is 25 years old now and I have had to service the panel on the roof once and just replaced the pumps in the heat exchanger this year. Set for another 25 years, I guess.
    Thanks for all that you do and introduce our younger generation to the application of science.

  4. I've always wondered about using a solar heater like this as a heating element for an einstein/absorption fridge based cooling system. It could theoretically be totally passive, or just a small fan for air movement inside on the cooling element. Finding suitable/safe chemical elements for relatively low pressure (pvc pipe, etc) has been the hard part. Would love to see you do a proof-of-concept on something like this.

  5. You might notice that as the water temperature rose the solar hot water system became less efficient.

    Once the water gets to a useful temperature thermal losses will be quite high.

    This is why commercial systems use evacuated tube collectors.

    Doing these by DIY is much harder than wiring the output of some solar panels to a heater.

  6. I feel like there is a flaw with this setup, but I could be wrong. To be clear I only have a cursory knowledge of relevant topics.
    WIth the electric heater system, it will happily continue to dump heat into the water, which will heat the resistors, causing them to to increase in resistance, which means they should ramp up in heat production? Not 100% sure, but I know heat means higher resistance, and higher resistance means more heat.
    Not sure how this will effect things, since the system cannot produce more power, I think it might reduce efficiency because it might pull down the voltage? Again lacking knowledge.

    With the solar water heater however, my first issue is that the pipes do not cover the same area as the solar, not 100% sure on how that effects things, since it heats the box, and the box heats the pipes, so it might be fine, and I know you can't fill the box without reducing pump efficiency. That aside though, the solar water heater differs from the electric heater, it loses efficiency quickly as the water heats up. Ideally both would have some way to pull the energy away from the system, such as a heat pump, and measure how much it produces at peak continuous load.

  7. Thought this guy was intelligent, till I heard him say "hot water heater", which imo is the peak of ignorance. (Fun fact, there is no such thing as a "hot water heater", as hot water doesn't need to be heated, as its already hot. The proper term is just "water heater".)😚

  8. Isnt using copper tubing better? Yes its more expensive but aluminium or copper or any easy to bend metal tube should be better, no? Also as an upgrade would painting it with vantablack or any other super dark paint raise its performance to way higher what it currently does?

  9. Sure you can compare the power output of PV versus thermal, but it stops short of illustrating the versatility of PV power/electricity. Today you can use PV power to drive a heat pump water heater, and suddenly solar thermal is no longer more efficient. Also, when your thermal storage has reached maximum temperature there's nowhere else to use the thermal power. With PV, you can use its versatility for a multitude of other applications. The era of solar thermal applications is quickly fading into the sunset.

  10. really late question here but in my head it makes sense. would painting this in something like vanta black increase the efficiency of this setup any more? honestly its probably overkill.

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