
Shocking! The Big Bang Wasn’t the Start: Bouncing Universe Theory Changes Everything

Could the Big Bang just be a moment in an endless cosmic cycle? Discover the fascinating “bouncing cosmology” theory, which …


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  1. I believe the Big Bang was a black hole explosion. It’s happened time and time again and will happen when a black hole obtains too much mass. There is gas everywhere in the universe that is ignited when a black hole explodes to form solid matter and new gases, which over time coalesce into large clumps of matter (black holes) to start the process again. I wrote an unpublished paper last year about this.

  2. Nothing can exist for infinity! With proof being the present moment.

    Imagine the universe started one million years ago. You could say at the present that 1 million years passed.

    Imagine the universe started 1 trillion years ago. You could say at the present that 1 trillion years passed.

    Now, if the universe started an infinity ago, this means that an infinite amount of years passed. But, if an infinite amount of time passed, that means it was never infinite.

    Thus, even if this theory is right, it must have had a beginning.

  3. Obvious all expands & contracts, thermal in nature, forever giving birth, life around us reflects that & copies…the theory of inflation, expansion says not the tools to measure contraction, may have happened many times over & began with the smallest contraction, who knows

  4. I always just assumed that the big bang was one of these compression points. We are expanding right now, but when it all compresses down again, there will be a new big bang. If life exists after that one, then those people could then define that big bang as the beginning of “their” universe.

  5. If Nasa says that it takes 8.3 minutes for the sun-light radiation wave to reach earth, and that the sun is 93 million miles away, and Neptune 2.8 billion miles from earth. How many times is Neptune away from earth? 31. Multiply 93 times 31, you get 2.8. In simple terms: 31 Astronomical Units. According to Nasa, 1 Astronomical unit is the distance between earth and the sun. Now, multiply 8.3 minutes, times 31. That's 257, which is 4 hours. This means that the diameter of: their so-called solar system model, is only around 8 to 9 hours across. If Astronomers believe that our solar system is located in between the: "Orion arm" of the milky-way and the Perseus Arm: How many solar systems would take to cover the distance between one end of the milky-way to the other? Nobody has ever drawn an illustration that illustrates the size of the solar system to visualize how far away it is from the so-called Orion arm and the Perseus Arm. So, if we use this illustration from Nasa, most likely the answer would be 9 or 10 solar systems across, in diameter. How many hours is that? 10 times 8 is: "80". So, roughly 80 hours across, in diameter. And, what did NASA say? 100 thousand light years across in diameter. Ridiculous and suspicious!

  6. Interesting. I like this model as it answers questions I've always had about, How did all the matter of the universe hide itself from existence. It didn't. That could easily change my perception of God. Because with this model, God didn't necessarily create the universe!

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