
SHOCKING Cholesterol Discovery: Big Pharma’s WORST Nightmare Revealed! | Dr. Michael Greger

SHOCKING Cholesterol Discovery: Big Pharma’s WORST Nightmare Revealed! | Dr. Michael Greger Dr. Michael Greger’s Best …


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  1. You have to have inflammation in order to have cholesterol build up. You can't just put an "all cause mortality " label on this.
    You have to earn a higher LDlL.
    There are large huma studies showing a much higher all cause mortality with people who have LDL below 100. .. so who are you supposed to believe ?????

  2. I’ve got halfway through and some things I’ve read have said people with high cholesterol don’t necessarily die earlier than those with low cholesterol. I’ve got high cholesterol but won’t take statins. The doctor was asking me why was my body so inflamed, well I don’t know. I’ve had tooth infections maybe Covid , h pylori in the tummy and a sweet tooth. Hope I live a longer life ,I’m a 63 year old lady with no real health problems. It only started rising when I hit menopause, I had a baby at 42 and work a physical job. I don’t know what to believe anymore.if anything kills me it will be the stress of being told I’m going to have a heart attack or a stroke. I dont smoke,don’t drink,and don’t eat meat. Perhaps we just have to accept it’s the aging process and enjoy life

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