
Shark Attacks! – Not So Easy to Eat This Robot

In this video an underwater camera captures a great white shark wrapping its jaws around a robot. The video was shot while a team of researchers from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute were attempting to tag sharks off the coast of Guadalupe Island, Mexico last year.

Researchers from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute say its a case of mistaken identity. This shark thinks their robot is a seal.

The great white stalked the REMUS 100 underwater bot and eventually snuck up from beneath it for the attack. According to the researchers, it’s the same technique sharks use when hunting seals.

The video was shot in 2013 off Gaudalupe Island in Mexico as the research team was on expedition to locate and tag sharks.

The REMUS-100s, invented and built by the Woods Hole, are underwater autonomous vehicles that are designed to for ocean monitoring and sea floor mapping, and can be equipped with a variety of sensors and cameras.

Fortunately for the robot – in this case – the shark bit off a bit more than it can chew.


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