
Secret Files on Ancient Giants Purposely Kept 'Off the

Are Giants Actually Real? – Join Jim Vieira and Hugh Newman as they uncover North America’s and Britain’s ancient giants, revealing giant skeletons from burial mounds and a potential Smithsonian cover-up through historical reports and artifacts.

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  1. The little people are the nazca bodies presented in Mexico. John McDowell and two other scientists he brought with him have verified them to be genuine he told the scientific community that they are real and need to be studied. Many other scientists in Mexico, Japan, Canada have also verified them to be genuine before John McDowell and his two companions did. Look into it. John McDowell by the way is one of the United States best forensics analysts and humbly told the American people that American scientists are not better than other scientists from other countries the reason he said this is because many of us in United States wrote it off as fake because it didn’t come from American scientists mouths. Very humble man and if you want evidence of little people well look into the nazca mummies. Also the ministry of culture of Peru is dealing with a 300 million lawsuit basically saying they have lied about these bodies being fake and not letting people see them as well or other to research them. Hence why they were snuck out of Peru for the Mexican Congress ufo hearing. To clarify the bodies are real we don’t know if they are from here or somewhere else. John McDowell is trying to get the Peruvian government to release the bodies to the US where we have better equipment to study them.

  2. I live in Central Florida on the west coast. During the 80s a college university performed an excavation on an island in Cedar Key and they uncovered over 100 skeletons that were 7’-9’ foot each. I have a very vivid memory of the time. They took months to perform all of the exhumations and I was there daily.

  3. The giants conspiracy is one of the dumbest ones going around. Of course there are going to be the occasional 7-8 foot tall skeletons found… There are 1000s of people in the world today in that height range, and there were plenty of abnormally tall people throughout human existence. Imagine in 1000 years the people dig up Andre the Giants grave, they would be certain he was some sort of giant. Called Andre.

  4. So, where are all these skeletons? An archologist who finds one will be famous for life and even after and a museum would love to have a giant skeleton, it would attract so many people. So, it makes no sense they would all hide these giants, it could make them famous and rich.

  5. 7-8ft tall isn't very strange. Look at any basketball court. Im 6' and im average AF. The strange thing about strange races in places they "shouldn't" be is what gets me tho. Like red hair in the US before any European supposedly made it here, its time that the narrative changes bcuz im 110% convinced that what i learned as a kid in the 90s in Flint Michigan (which is already an ancient civilization area); elementary school isnt correct at all, and they are still teaching it for the most part. We do need a really strong push on changing rhe narrative.

  6. If ancient giants truly existed, we would expect to see more compelling evidence of their existence. Any archaeologist stumbling upon such a discovery would undoubtedly share it with the world through publication in a peer-reviewed journal, thus gaining recognition and acclaim. Publishing this nonsense is no different than the speculative claims of ancient astronaut theorists who are deceptive in their presentation. While it may be tempting to embrace such narratives for the allure of 'secret knowledge,' ultimately, it only perpetuates misinformation. Rather than indulging in baseless speculation, let us focus on diligent research and critical thinking. Until concrete evidence surfaces, let's refrain from exploiting those who may be less equipped to discern fact from fiction.

  7. Could they be forbearers of the Sasquatch?

    Don’t pigs grow tusks and fur when they go wild? How many generations in the wild would it take for humans to regress to wild men? Especially humans with particularly susceptible DNA?

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