
Scientists Have Reached a Key Milestone in How to Reverse Aging

Prepare to dive into the groundbreaking realm of reversing aging! In this electrifying mashup episode, I’m joined by visionary …


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  1. yaaup you can…my university students say i look 32 to 42…im 52…..key habits…dont eat alot…lemon/lime slices in water….gym+ sprinting…sleep alot!…do meditation and healing daily…ie mind power….sunlight….PMA…eat avocado-garlic-ginger-olive oil dip mix….i could go on….energy levels just keep going up…

  2. I first heard of all of this when Tony Robbins book Life Force came out. Thank you Ed for having David Sinclair on. Where would we be without these people. Having been diagnosed with PLS/ ALS at 39 It would be great to hear about anything and everything that could be promising in the neuro motor area.

  3. Where do you find stressed out vegetables? Or do you grow them yourself and how do you stress them out? Do you make them go long period of time without water and then give them water so they don’t die but you get them close to that??thanks

  4. I would love to be one of the human beings that you do a trial on that would be so awesome. Or create clean arteries and a new heart anyway, I’d love to be one of those where you are in a trial and you reset my whole body that would be awesome thanks guys. This is one of the greatest podcast. I’ve listened to, I listen to you every time you have something out

  5. I’m at work right now, not at home. There is a statin drug that does not go through the blood barrier of the brain! It’s actually a better statin than the regular statins that do break the blood barrier of the brain. I will find out how to email, this podcast with the prescription drug. I asked my one doctor to take me off this other statin I was on he refused so I fired him. I went to another doctor and he absolutely jumped at it and changed my statin drug. I will get the name to you. This statin drug will not break. The blood barrier will not cause dementia or Alzheimer, which is really the number one thing that causes it. All the other statin should be made illegal. Anyway, I’m gonna buy your physical book and I’m gonna download your not sure which book you’re commenting on you didn’t give the name of it lol but I’m sure it’s your newest book. I will download your newest and your second to newest audiobooks today.I also would like to be able to follow you and your research. Is there a way to do that?? This is exciting stuff thank you I am 62 years old will be 63 in October. I have learned about these type of things through other doctors and scientists, but you have presented this in a way that I can start it today. I’m very excited thank you.

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